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Estelle Emond
Les Aires


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  • L'Occitane en Provence Factory: Located in Manosque, just a short drive from Les Aires, the L'Occitane en Provence Factory offers a unique opportunity to learn about the production of famous beauty and skincare products. Take a guided tour to discover the manufacturing process and indulge in some retail therapy at their factory outlet.
  • Notre-Dame de Romigier: This charming Romanesque church is situated in Mane, a picturesque village near Les Aires. Dating back to the 12th century, the church features beautiful architecture and houses several notable artworks, including a stunning triptych. Take a leisurely stroll through the village to admire the church's beauty.
  • Ganagobie Abbey: Situated on a hilltop overlooking the Durance Valley, Ganagobie Abbey is a historic Benedictine monastery near Les Aires. Explore the abbey's impressive architecture, including the church, cloister, and chapels. Take a guided tour to learn about its fascinating history and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Forcalquier: Located a short distance from Les Aires, Forcalquier is a charming medieval town known for its vibrant market and historic attractions. Stroll through the old town's narrow streets, visit the 13th-century citadel, and explore the Notre-Dame du Bourguet chapel. Don't miss the bustling Monday market, where you can find local produce, crafts, and more.
  • Luberon Regional Nature Park: A short drive southeast of Les Aires will take you to the stunning Luberon Regional Nature Park. This protected area is known for its diverse landscapes, including rolling hills, lavender fields, and picturesque villages. Go hiking or cycling to explore the park's natural beauty, visit the famous villages of Gordes and Roussillon, or enjoy a picnic surrounded by nature.
  • Valensole Plateau: If you visit Les Aires in the summer, a trip to the Valensole Plateau is a must. Located northeast of Les Aires, this vast plateau is famous for its blooming lavender fields. The vibrant purple hues create a picturesque sight that attracts visitors from all over the world. Take a scenic drive through the plateau or explore it on foot for a truly magical experience.
  • Manosque Old Town: Just a short distance from Les Aires, the old town of Manosque offers a delightful mix of history, culture, and shopping. Explore its charming streets lined with colorful buildings, visit the 12th-century Notre-Dame de Romigier church, and discover local shops selling traditional products. Don't miss the opportunity to try some delicious Provençal cuisine at one of the town's restaurants. These attractions near Les Aires provide a diverse range of experiences, from cultural and historical sites to natural wonders, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and charm of the Provence region of France.

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