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Dal Cappello Guillaume
5 rue Bistour
Romans sur Isère


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

We offer restoration carpentry services in the charming old center of Romans. Our accommodation consists of two spacious and private rooms that guarantee independence and comfort. One of the rooms is equipped with air conditioning for your convenience. You will find yourself conveniently located near a variety of restaurants and shops, as well as being in close proximity to the beautiful regions of Vercors, Ardèche, and Drôme Provençale.


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If you are coming from the north, take motorway A7 until you reach Tain l'Hermitage. From there, follow the signs to Romans for approximately 20 kilometers.
If you are coming from the south, take motorway A7 until you reach Valence sud. Then, head towards Romans for approximately 18 kilometers.
If you prefer to travel by train, the TGV railway station of Alixan is only a 10-minute journey away.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 320
(3 pers.)
1 55 340 10


Animals Allowed


  • Musée de la Chaussure (Shoe Museum): Located in Romans-sur-Isère, the Musée de la Chaussure is a fascinating museum dedicated to footwear. It showcases the history and evolution of shoe production, displaying a collection of over 20,000 shoes from various periods and cultures.
  • Jardin des Tuileries (Tuileries Garden): Approximately 2.5 hours away from Romans-sur-Isère, the Jardin des Tuileries is a beautiful public garden in Paris. It offers stunning views of iconic landmarks such as the Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower, and is a perfect spot for a leisurely walk or picnic.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval (Ideal Palace of the Postman Cheval): Situated around 1.5 hours away in Hauterives, the Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval is an extraordinary architectural creation. Built entirely by hand over the course of 33 years by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval, this unique palace is a blend of various architectural styles and is now a popular tourist attraction.
  • Valrhona Cité du Chocolat (Valrhona Chocolate City): Located in Tain-l'Hermitage, which is approximately 20 minutes away, the Valrhona Cité du Chocolat is a paradise for chocolate lovers. This interactive chocolate museum offers guided tours, workshops, and tastings, where visitors can learn about the history, production, and artistry of high-quality chocolate.
  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation (Resistance and Deportation Museum): Situated in nearby Valence, the Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation is dedicated to preserving the memory of the French Resistance during World War II. It exhibits artifacts, documents, and personal testimonies that provide insight into the history and bravery of the resistance movement.
  • Château de Crussol (Crussol Castle): Around 45 minutes away in Saint-Péray, the Château de Crussol is a medieval fortress offering panoramic views of the Rhône Valley. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins, climb the tower, and discover the rich history of this imposing castle.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors (Vercors Regional Nature Park): Located approximately 1.5 hours away, the Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors is a vast nature reserve known for its stunning landscapes and outdoor activities. It offers opportunities for hiking, rock climbing, cycling, and wildlife spotting, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of the French Alps.
  • Musée de la Préhistoire (Prehistory Museum): Situated in Vassieux-en-Vercors, which is about 1.5 hours away, the Musée de la Préhistoire is dedicated to the region's prehistoric past. It showcases archaeological artifacts, fossils, and reconstructions that provide insight into the lives of early humans in this area. These tourist attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from cultural and historical immersion to natural beauty and indulgence in delicious chocolate.

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