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Jacky Boisrobert
43 Bd de L Océan


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price from €350






Description for Gite

If you're looking for a delightful getaway in Southern Brittany, our villa TY NEVEZ is the perfect choice. Situated just 20 meters from the beach, we offer a range of comfortable apartments for your stay. Located in the charming family resort of Damgan, you'll be immersed in an authentic setting where you can enjoy a refreshing and invigorating experience. Take advantage of the nearby beach for swimming and water sports, indulge in fishing trips, or explore the stunning coastal paths and cycle routes. Additionally, our location allows easy access to various attractions in the area, including La Baule, Guerande, La Roche Bernard, the peninsula of Rhuys, the islands of Houat, Hoëdic Dumet, Belle Island, the Gulf of Morbihan, Vannes, Auray, and the picturesque cities of La Gacilly, Josselin, Malestroit, and Rochefort Land.


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Apartment 6 350 990




  • Damgan Beach: Located just steps away from the given address, Damgan Beach is a popular tourist attraction known for its pristine sandy shores and clear waters. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, water sports, and scenic walks along the promenade.
  • Rhuys Peninsula: Situated to the east of Damgan, the Rhuys Peninsula offers breathtaking coastal scenery and charming villages. Explore the picturesque landscapes, visit the medieval castle of Suscinio, and enjoy hiking or cycling along the scenic coastal trails.
  • Port Navalo: Located on the southern tip of the Rhuys Peninsula, Port Navalo is a charming harbor town with a lively atmosphere. Visitors can stroll along the waterfront promenade, admire the boats, enjoy seafood at local restaurants, or take a boat trip to explore the Gulf of Morbihan.
  • Vannes: Situated approximately 20 kilometers northeast of Damgan, Vannes is a historic walled city that boasts a rich heritage. Explore the well-preserved medieval city center, visit the stunning Vannes Cathedral, wander through the cobbled streets, and discover the charming boutiques and cafes.
  • Carnac: Located around 40 kilometers west of Damgan, Carnac is famous for its prehistoric megalithic sites. Explore the mysterious alignments of standing stones, visit the Museum of Prehistory, and learn about the ancient civilizations that inhabited the area thousands of years ago.
  • Quiberon: Situated around 30 kilometers southwest of Damgan, Quiberon is a popular seaside resort town known for its beautiful beaches and invigorating coastal landscapes. Enjoy water sports, go for a scenic hike along the rugged coastline, or visit the Quiberon Bay to discover its stunning natural beauty.
  • La Roche-Bernard: Located approximately 45 kilometers east of Damgan, La Roche-Bernard is a charming medieval town nestled on the banks of the Vilaine River. Explore the cobblestone streets, admire the half-timbered houses, visit the Saint Nicholas Church, and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the town's ramparts.
  • Gulf of Morbihan: Situated to the north of Damgan, the Gulf of Morbihan is a stunning inland sea renowned for its natural beauty. Take a boat tour to explore the numerous islands and islets, visit the picturesque town of Auray, and enjoy bird watching, sailing, or kayaking in this unique marine environment. These tourist attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, from coastal relaxation and outdoor activities to historical and cultural exploration, ensuring that visitors to Damgan have plenty to see and do nearby.

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