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Levrel Jean-Philippe



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price from €320






Description for Gite

The "Fisherman's House" cottage is the perfect choice for families seeking a cozy retreat, while the Captain's Houses are equally ideal for families or groups of friends. These charming accommodations provide a warm and inviting atmosphere that guests love to return to after a day of exploration.

The Fisherman's House cottage spans 50 m² across three levels. On the ground floor, you will find a comfortable living room, a well-equipped kitchen, and a bathroom with a shower and toilet. The first floor includes a bedroom with a double bed and a separate closed bedroom with two single beds. The second floor features a charming attic sleeping area on the mezzanine, complete with a double bed. Additionally, there is a terrace located just 20 meters away, offering stunning views of the Gulf.

Each House Captain cottage also covers 50 m² across three levels. The ground floor comprises a cozy living room, a fully-equipped kitchen, and a convenient toilet. On the first floor, there is a closed bedroom with a double bed, a bathroom with a shower and basin, a toilet, and an open space. The second floor includes a closed children's bedroom with two single beds and a relaxation area with a convertible futon sofa. Both the front and rear courtyards offer inviting terrace spaces to enjoy.

Whichever option you choose, you can be assured of a delightful stay in these welcoming cottages.


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Take a train from Vannes station and then hail a taxi. Alternatively, you can use your own car for transportation.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 6 320 650




  • Montsarrac Village: Located in the commune of Sene, Montsarrac is a charming fishing village situated on the banks of the Gulf of Morbihan. Explore the narrow streets lined with traditional Breton houses, enjoy the picturesque harbor, and savor fresh seafood in the local restaurants.
  • Gulf of Morbihan: Just a stone's throw away from Montsarrac, the Gulf of Morbihan is a stunning natural attraction known for its tranquil waters, numerous islands, and diverse marine life. Take a boat tour to admire the beautiful landscapes, visit the Île aux Moines (Monks' Island), or indulge in various water activities such as kayaking or sailing.
  • Vannes: A historic town located approximately 5 kilometers from Montsarrac, Vannes is renowned for its well-preserved medieval city walls and charming old town. Explore the cobbled streets, visit the impressive Vannes Cathedral, and wander around the lively port area. Don't miss the opportunity to sample local delicacies at the bustling market.
  • Château de Suscinio: Situated around 30 kilometers from Montsarrac, the Château de Suscinio is a magnificent medieval castle nestled within a vast forest and overlooking the sea. Discover the castle's rich history, explore the fortified walls, and stroll through the beautiful gardens. The site also offers interactive exhibitions and activities for all ages.
  • Carnac: Located approximately 35 kilometers from Montsarrac, Carnac is famous for its extensive collection of prehistoric standing stones. Marvel at the rows of ancient megaliths known as the Alignments of Carnac, visit the fascinating Carnac Museum of Prehistory, or relax on the nearby sandy beaches.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Situated around 40 kilometers from Montsarrac, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning coastline and vibrant atmosphere. Enjoy the picturesque beaches, go hiking or cycling along the coastal paths, and indulge in delicious seafood at the local restaurants. Don't miss the chance to visit the historic town of Quiberon and its bustling markets.
  • La Roche-Bernard: Located approximately 60 kilometers from Montsarrac, La Roche-Bernard is a charming village situated on the banks of the Vilaine River. Admire the medieval architecture, explore the narrow streets filled with artisan shops, and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the town's fortified walls. Take a boat trip along the river to fully appreciate the beauty of the area. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Montsarrac, offering a diverse range of experiences from historical landmarks to natural wonders.

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