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André Charvolin
Vallon d'en bas



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €558




Description for B&B:

The ancient farmhouse has undergone meticulous restoration, featuring an outdoor spa for your ultimate relaxation. As you step outside, you are greeted by the enchanting mountain footpaths, beckoning you to explore nature's wonders.


Appréciations pour La Ferme d'en Bas, Samoens:

Review by: Terrier Nathalie, Jan 30 2012 3:29PM
Pour la 6ème fois en 4 ans, nous nous sommes rendues chez Véronique et André - à chaque fois accompagnées de parents et/ou amis chers. C'est en effet une adresse à ne pas semer à tous vents, tant elle est précieuse!... et mérite de n'être partagée qu'avec des personnes sachant en apprécier toutes les qualités. Non seulement l'accueil est des plus chaleureux, la table excellente, mais encore les chambres sont d'un goût exquis! Nous sommes d'ailleurs extrêmement surprises de découvrir ci-dessus une critique négative, qui ne colle pas du tout avec la réalité! Après une expérience tant de fois renouvelée de notre part, nous sommes toujours aussi enchantées et émerveillées par ce que nous trouvons et partgeons dans cette douce atmosphère, baignée de respect et d'une grande générosité. Nous en remercions encore de tout coeur Véronique et André.
Fanfan et Nath, de Genève
Avis Ferme d'en Bas
Review by: Perez, Avr 13 2010 3:29PM
La ferme est trés bien restaurée: c'est beau. Mais... les propriétaires sont vraiment trés désagéables, hautains.
Dommage. Je ne conseillerais pas ou alors une nuit pour la visite.
(Séjour en fevrier 2010).
Response from property:
comment peut-on se permettre d'envoyer un tel commentaire alors que vous n'avez pas séjourné dans notre établissement.Vous avez du vous tromper d'adresse car effectivement vous avez fait une demande à laquelle nous avons répondu négativement car nous étions complets. Etiez vous contrarié que l'on ait pas pu satisfaire votre demande. (quelle drôle d'attitude)

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Swimming Pool


  • Samoens Ski Resort: Located just a short distance from Vallon d'en bas, Samoens Ski Resort is a popular attraction for winter sports enthusiasts. With over 265 kilometers of ski slopes, it offers a variety of terrain suitable for all skill levels.
  • Cirque du Fer-à-Cheval: This stunning natural amphitheater is located near Vallon d'en bas and is a must-visit for nature lovers. The cirque is surrounded by towering cliffs and is home to several impressive waterfalls, making it a great spot for hiking and picnicking.
  • Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval Nature Reserve: Situated close to Vallon d'en bas, this nature reserve is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. It boasts dramatic landscapes, alpine meadows, crystal-clear lakes, and numerous hiking trails, providing an opportunity to explore the breathtaking scenery.
  • Gorges des Tines: Located nearby, the Gorges des Tines is a picturesque canyon carved by the waters of the Diosaz River. Visitors can walk along the wooden footbridge that runs through the gorge, offering stunning views of the rock formations and waterfalls.
  • Lake Annecy: A short drive away from Vallon d'en bas, Lake Annecy is known as one of the most beautiful lakes in France. Visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, boating, and paddleboarding, or simply relax on its shores and take in the stunning scenery.
  • Mont Blanc: As the highest peak in the Alps and Western Europe, Mont Blanc is a must-see attraction. Although it is a bit further from Vallon d'en bas, it is worth the trip for those seeking breathtaking views, challenging hiking routes, and the opportunity to witness the majestic beauty of the surrounding mountains.
  • Yvoire: Situated on the shores of Lake Geneva, the medieval village of Yvoire is renowned for its well-preserved architecture and charming ambiance. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, admire the medieval castle, and enjoy the beautiful lakeside setting.
  • Chamonix-Mont-Blanc: Located at the foot of Mont Blanc, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc is a world-famous alpine resort town. It offers a wide range of outdoor activities, including skiing, mountaineering, and paragliding. The town itself is also worth exploring, with its vibrant atmosphere, shops, and restaurants.
  • Annecy Old Town: The historic center of Annecy is known for its charming canals, colorful buildings, and cobblestone streets. Visitors can explore the medieval castle, stroll along the canals, and indulge in the local cuisine at the many restaurants and cafes. 10. Aiguille du Midi: Situated near Chamonix, Aiguille du Midi is a mountain peak accessible by cable car. From its summit, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the French, Swiss, and Italian Alps. The site also offers a unique opportunity to step onto a glass skywalk and experience the sensation of walking over a 1,000-meter precipice.