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Marie Helene DEWULF
Les Chazeaux



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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for Gite

The cottage offers stunning panoramic views of the landscape from its spacious private terrace. On the ground floor, you will find a fully-equipped kitchen and a comfortable lounge area with a TV for your entertainment. There is also a convenient WC on this floor. Moving up to the first floor, you will discover four charming bedrooms, consisting of two double beds, four single beds, and a cot for the little ones. Additionally, there is a bathroom, a shower room, and another WC for your convenience. The cottage is equipped with central heating to keep you cozy throughout your stay. Outside, you can enjoy a large enclosed terrace, a beautiful garden, and convenient parking facilities.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 50 50 oui
Apartment 1 200 370 420 non
Holiday Home 1 289 429 541 non




  • Le Puy-en-Velay (15 km): A historic town known for its stunning Cathedral of Notre-Dame, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Explore the charming streets, visit the Hôtel-Dieu museum, and admire the statue of the Virgin Mary perched on top of Rocher Corneille.
  • Château de Polignac (18 km): This medieval fortress offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Take a guided tour to learn about its rich history and explore the well-preserved towers, ramparts, and underground galleries.
  • Lac du Bouchet (20 km): A picturesque crater lake nestled in a volcanic landscape. Enjoy a peaceful walk around the lake, go fishing, or rent a paddleboat to explore the tranquil waters. The surrounding forest also offers hiking trails.
  • Château de Lavoûte-Polignac (21 km): This Renaissance castle overlooks the Loire River and offers guided tours through its elegant rooms and gardens. Learn about its architectural features and the noble families that once resided here.
  • Forteresse de Saint-Vidal (29 km): Perched on a rocky spur, this medieval fortress offers breathtaking views of the Allier Valley. Explore the ruins and learn about its defensive role during the Middle Ages.
  • Mont Mézenc (37 km): The highest peak in the Massif Central, Mont Mézenc is a paradise for nature lovers and hikers. Enjoy panoramic views from the summit, spot unique flora and fauna, and explore the nearby Plateau Ardéchois.
  • Musée Crozatier (40 km): Located in Le Puy-en-Velay, this museum showcases a wide range of art and historical artifacts. Discover the region's geological history, admire fine art collections, and learn about local traditions and craftsmanship.
  • Cascade de la Beaume (45 km): This stunning waterfall is tucked away in a lush forest near Saint-Julien-Chapteuil. Take a short hike to reach the cascade and enjoy the refreshing spray of water amidst a tranquil natural setting.
  • Lac d'Issarlès (50 km): A beautiful volcanic lake surrounded by forests in Ardèche. Enjoy swimming, fishing, or picnicking along the shore, and take in the serene atmosphere of this hidden gem. 10. Espaly-Saint-Marcel (12 km): A village near Le Puy-en-Velay, known for its Romanesque church and the Crozatier Park. Explore the church's intricate architecture and visit the park to enjoy leisurely walks, picnic spots, and beautiful views of the city.

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