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Elisabeth Ponsin
9 rue Pierre 1er de Serbie
Le Pouliguen


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €98






Description for B&B:

Come and unwind in a cozy house located in front of a serene forest, just 150 meters away from the beach and conveniently close to the port. Situated in the heart of Le Pouliguen town center, which has managed to preserve its authentic Brittany charm, and in close proximity to La Baule.


Appréciations pour Chalet Lakmé, Le Pouliguen:

toutes mes recommandation
Review by: Mme et Mr Ledoux, Juin 15 2012 11:25AM
si vous rechercher un super endroit chaleureux , propre ,accueillant nous recommandons a tout le monde le chalet lakmé avec un grand A. pour un séjour en amoureux avec le diner aux chandelles puis la séance massage excellent nous avons qu'un mot excellent !!!!!! un grand merci a Mme et Mr Coyon bravo
belle maison d'hôtes
Review by: Valencia, Fev 27 2012 3:15PM
Trés agréable séjour dans cette trés jolie maison.Nous avons été agréablement acceuillis, ce sont de bons moments. Belle déco ,bon confort ,et surtout d'une propreté impeccable.Belle terrasse .
Nous conseillons cette bonne adresse

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If you choose to travel by train, there are numerous TGV trains available every day from Paris to Le Pouliguen. The train departs from gare Montparnasse and the journey takes approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes.

Alternatively, if you prefer to drive, you can take the motorway to Nantes, then continue towards Saint-Nazaire and finally La Baule. Once you reach Le Pouliguen, follow quay Jules Sandreau until you reach rue de la Plage. At the intersection with Place Delaroche-Verney, turn right onto rue Pierre 1 de Serbie. Keep going straight, passing rue Pasteur on your right, until you find a parking spot. The chalet you are looking for is located at number 9.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 98 98 Oui
(3 pers.)
2 150 160 Oui


Credit cards accepted


  • Le Pouliguen Beach: Located just a short walk from 9 rue Pierre 1er de Serbie, Le Pouliguen Beach is a beautiful sandy beach where you can relax, sunbathe, and enjoy the crystal-clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • La Baule-Escoublac: A popular seaside resort town, La Baule-Escoublac offers a long stretch of sandy beach, picturesque promenades, and a charming town center. Explore the shops, cafes, and restaurants, or simply take a leisurely stroll along the beachfront.
  • Le Croisic: Situated on a peninsula, Le Croisic is a quaint fishing village known for its picturesque harbor, historic buildings, and charming streets. Take a boat trip to explore the nearby wildlife reserve or visit the Océarium, a popular aquarium.
  • Château des Ducs de Bretagne: Located in Nantes, approximately an hour's drive from Le Pouliguen, the Château des Ducs de Bretagne is a stunning medieval castle. Discover its rich history through exhibitions, enjoy the beautiful gardens, and explore the ramparts for panoramic views of the city.
  • Guérande: Known for its well-preserved medieval walls, Guérande is a charming town renowned for its salt marshes and production of fleur de sel (sea salt). Explore the narrow streets, visit the Saint-Aubin Collegiate Church, and learn about the traditional salt harvesting techniques.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de Brière: Located just south of Le Pouliguen, the Parc Naturel Régional de Brière is a vast marshland known for its diverse flora and fauna. Take a boat tour through the canals, observe the local birdlife, and immerse yourself in the serene natural surroundings.
  • Musée de la Batellerie: Situated in Saint-Joachim, this museum showcases the history of river navigation and boat building. Learn about the traditional flat-bottomed boats used in the region, admire the collection of model ships, and gain insight into the area's maritime heritage.
  • Musée Jules Verne: Located in Nantes, the Musée Jules Verne is dedicated to the famous French writer and his visionary works. Explore the interactive exhibits, discover Verne's imagination through his manuscripts and personal belongings, and learn about his impact on literature and science fiction.
  • Pornichet: Just a short distance from Le Pouliguen, Pornichet is a vibrant seaside resort offering a range of activities. Enjoy the sandy beaches, visit the casino, take a walk along the promenade, or explore the charming town center with its shops, restaurants, and bars. 10. Océarium du Croisic: Situated in Le Croisic, the Océarium is a fascinating aquarium featuring a variety of marine life. Discover exotic fish, sharks, sea turtles, and other aquatic species through the numerous exhibits and interactive displays. Note: Please check the opening hours and availability of attractions before planning your visit, as they may vary.

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