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Etienne Miribel
Route de Chamaret


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price from €400






Description for Gite

This newly built and cozy cottage spans 50m2, offering comfort and brightness. Nestled in a tranquil and charming setting, it is fully equipped to accommodate a party of three. Situated in a barn connected to the owner's residence, it is surrounded by expansive parkland. The cottage features a spacious dining kitchen, a double bedroom, a living room with a sofa bed, and a bathroom. Additionally, a secure swimming pool is available for guests to enjoy, all within the picturesque riverside park.


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To travel to Grignan from the north, you will need to follow these directions. Firstly, exit A7 at Montelimar South and head towards Nyons. Once in Nyons, take the road to the right that leads to Chamaret. In Chamaret, you will come across a road to the left that indicates Valréas and Colonzelle. Cross the river Lez and continue for another 50 meters after the bridge. At this point, you should turn left onto a perpendicular path.

On the other hand, if you are coming from the south, exit A7 at Bollène and continue towards St Paul 3 Chateaux and Grignan. Proceed on Montsegur Lauzon and then take the road to the right that leads to Chamaret, indicating Valréas and Colonzelle. Cross the river Lez and after 50 meters from the bridge, turn left onto a perpendicular path.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 400 750 non


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Grignan: Located in the nearby village of Grignan, the Château de Grignan is a beautifully preserved Renaissance castle. It offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is renowned for its association with the famous French author, Madame de Sévigné.
  • La Ferme aux Crocodiles: Situated in Pierrelatte, La Ferme aux Crocodiles is one of the largest reptile parks in Europe. It houses over 400 crocodiles along with various other reptiles, making it a perfect attraction for animal lovers.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: A natural wonder, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a scenic river canyon located northwest of Colonzelle. Visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, kayaking, and canoeing while admiring the breathtaking views and unique rock formations.
  • Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes): In Avignon, a historic city approximately an hour's drive away, stands the Palais des Papes. This grand Gothic palace was the residence of the popes during the 14th century and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Domaine de la Citadelle: Situated in Ménerbes, Domaine de la Citadelle is a renowned winery offering wine tastings, tours, and a museum dedicated to winemaking. It is a great place to discover and appreciate the rich wine culture of the region.
  • Pont d'Avignon (Avignon Bridge): Another iconic attraction in Avignon, the Pont d'Avignon is a famous medieval bridge that spans the Rhône River. Visitors can explore the bridge, which is now partially ruined, and enjoy panoramic views of Avignon and the surrounding area.
  • Château de Suze-la-Rousse: This impressive castle located in Suze-la-Rousse houses the University of Wine, offering courses and tastings. The castle itself dates back to the 12th century and offers guided tours, allowing visitors to delve into its rich history.
  • La Cité du Chocolat Valrhona: Chocolate lovers shouldn't miss a visit to the La Cité du Chocolat Valrhona in Tain-l'Hermitage. This interactive chocolate museum showcases the history of chocolate, offers guided tastings, and allows visitors to witness the chocolate-making process.
  • Mont Ventoux: Known as the "Giant of Provence," Mont Ventoux is a famous mountain in the region. It is a popular destination for cyclists and hikers, offering breathtaking views from its summit and various trails to explore. 10. Les Grottes de Saint-Marcel d'Ardèche: These ancient limestone caves, located near the village of Bidon, provide a fascinating underground experience. Visitors can embark on guided tours to discover the stunning rock formations, underground rivers, and unique ecosystem within the caves.

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