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Yvan de Spirlet
94 Rue du Pélican
Saint Bonnet du Gard


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Price per night:

price from €70





Description for B&B:

Villa Figuiers invites you to experience its charming guest rooms. Nestled in the heart of the village, you can indulge in the serene ambiance of the farmhouse. The pool, situated amidst the park, will captivate you, while inviting deckchairs and hammocks beckon you to relax and take a nap. Each room offers picturesque views of the park. Meals are served under the beautiful arbor adorned with fragrant wisteria, stretching the entire length of the estate. Majestic trees provide refreshing shade. For booking or more information, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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To get to the destination, take exit 23 Pont du Gard from motorway A9. From there, head towards the village of St Bonnet du Gard on D6086, which is near Uzes. The destination is located at the foot of the passage of GR6. It is approximately 20 minutes away from the TGV train stations in Avignon and Nîmes, and about 30 minutes away from Nimes Airport.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 90
(3 pers.)
1 80 100 15
Apartment 1 90 110 15


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Pont du Gard: Located just 2 kilometers away from 94 Rue du Pélican, Pont du Gard is a magnificent ancient Roman aqueduct bridge. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can explore the bridge, take guided tours, and learn about its historical significance.
  • Uzès: Situated approximately 12 kilometers from Saint Bonnet du Gard, Uzès is a charming medieval town known for its well-preserved architecture and picturesque streets. The town features a beautiful ducal castle, an impressive cathedral, and a lively Saturday market. Visitors can also enjoy exploring the town's narrow cobblestone alleys and trying local delicacies.
  • Nîmes: Located around 20 kilometers away, Nîmes is a historic city with Roman origins. It is famous for its well-preserved Roman monuments, including the awe-inspiring Arena of Nîmes, the Maison Carrée temple, and the Tour Magne. Visitors can also explore the charming old town, relax in the beautiful Jardins de la Fontaine, and visit the modern art museum, Carré d'Art.
  • Avignon: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from Saint Bonnet du Gard, Avignon is a city renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage. The highlight is the Palais des Papes, a massive medieval fortress and papal residence. Visitors can also visit the famous Pont d'Avignon, explore the charming old town's narrow streets, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere during the annual Avignon Festival.
  • Arles: Located around 40 kilometers away, Arles is a city known for its Roman and Romanesque heritage. It is home to several well-preserved Roman monuments, including the Roman Arena, the Alyscamps necropolis, and the Roman Theater. Art enthusiasts will appreciate the city's association with Vincent van Gogh, who lived and painted in Arles. The Van Gogh Foundation and the Espace Van Gogh are dedicated to his works.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Situated approximately 55 kilometers from Saint Bonnet du Gard, Les Baux-de-Provence is a picturesque medieval village perched on a hilltop. It offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and features ancient ruins, including a citadel and a medieval castle. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, visit the Carrières de Lumières for immersive art exhibitions, and enjoy local Provençal cuisine.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Located around 70 kilometers away, Aigues-Mortes is a fortified town surrounded by medieval walls. It has a rich history as a trading port and offers a unique glimpse into the past. Visitors can walk along the ramparts, visit the Tower of Constance, and explore the charming streets lined with shops and restaurants. Boat trips to the nearby salt marshes are also popular. These tourist attractions near 94 Rue du Pélican, Saint Bonnet du Gard, offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, showcasing the beauty and heritage of the region.

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