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Contact Details:


Carlo Miceli
Via Bordonaro 38



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60


360 874576


360 874576


Description for B&B:

There are two interconnected studios available for rent. Each studio is 35 m2 in size and can accommodate up to 8 guests, making it suitable for two families. Additionally, a baby bed is provided for a two-year-old child.

The first studio features air conditioning for a comfortable night's sleep. It also has a balcony with a sea view, facing Bordonaro street. Inside, there is a kitchen and a bathroom with a shower and toilet. The spacious bedroom in this studio includes two single beds and a bunk bed (two singles).

The second studio also has a balcony with a sea view. Inside, there are two single beds and a double bed in a corner. The studio also has a large kitchen and a bathroom with a shower and toilet. Additionally, there is a mezzanine with a height of 0.85 meters, offering a sea view and a supplementary tatami for extra seating or sleeping arrangements.

Description for Gite

Cefalů, a charming town with an Arab medieval center, is situated approximately 68 kilometers away from Palermo and 105 kilometers from Punta Raisi Airport. This historical destination boasts mesmerizing ruins from various ancient civilizations, including the Megalithic, Greek, Carthaginian, and Roman eras. Convenient transportation options such as railways, highways, buses, and speedy boats to the enchanting Eolie islands ensure easy access to every corner of this beautiful island.


Appréciations pour Casa Miceli, Cefalů(PA):

Casa Miceli
Review by: Rosemary Broadbent, Mai 4 2012 5:28PM
My sister and I stayed at Casa Miceli in Cefalu a few years ago. He is a wonderful host and was always available to answer our questions and make suggestions. We stayed in 2 studios -- one faced the rocky coast and the ocean and the other faced the busy, narrow, fascinating street. Carlo became our friend and we have heard from him regularly. If we return to Sicily, we would stay at Casa Miceli, nowhere else.

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To get to Via Bordonaro 38, take the Palermo Messina highway and exit at Cefalů. Drive around Cefalů Rocca (mountain) towards the Port of Presidiana. Take Candeloro street and cross Corso Ruggiero. Then, turn right and at the end of Corso, turn left to reach Via Bordonaro 38. Ring the bell at Miceli on the 2nd floor.

Please note that there is a limited traffic zone for entering. You can enter between 5 to 10 a.m. and from 1 to 5 p.m. during these hours, you can unload your luggage. If you need to enter during other hours, you will need to ask permission from the City Police officers stationed at the Candeloro street gates.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 120 420 590 no
(3 pers.)
2 70 140 420 660 no
Notes: minimum 3 days
Notes: two apartments


Animals Allowed