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David et Lydie Monnet
Les Casses Prelles
Saint Martin de Queyrières


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Price per night:

price from €61






Description for B&B:

Located just 5km away from Briancon, in the breathtaking Serre Chevalier region, this spacious and charming home is the perfect base to explore the surrounding areas. With Vallouise and Valley Clarée only 15kms away, Queyras and Montgenevre just 20kms away, all your desires for adventure and romance can be fulfilled. The property boasts 4 bedrooms and is classified as a 3-star accommodation. Additionally, it offers private parking, a lovely garden, a relaxing Norwegian bath, a common room, a fully-equipped kitchen, a cozy TV room and library, as well as convenient amenities like WI-FI and local hardware.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming gite, offering four cozy rooms, each comfortably accommodating 2 to 4 individuals. Every room is equipped with its own private toilet and shower, ensuring utmost convenience and privacy for our guests. Additionally, our gite features a delightful small sitting area where you can unwind and relax. To guarantee a restful stay, we provide high-quality bedding that promises a peaceful night's sleep.


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If you are traveling from Briançon, follow the direction towards Gap. After 5 km, you will come across the Prelles panel. Take the second right towards the church, then go around it to the right. After 50m, the house will be on your left.

If you are coming from Gap, head towards Briançon. Before reaching the Prelles panel (5km before), take the second left. Continue until you reach the church and go around it to the right. After 50m, you will see the house on your left, located above the Martin Courier parking.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 61 250 427 12
(3 pers.)
4 73 511 12
Holiday Home 15 200 300 900 2800


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Serre Chevalier Ski Resort: Located just a few kilometers away from Les Casses Prelles, Serre Chevalier is one of the largest ski resorts in France. It offers a wide range of slopes for skiers and snowboarders of all levels, along with stunning mountain views.
  • Briançon: This historic fortified town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Known as the highest city in Europe, Briançon offers impressive Vauban fortifications, charming narrow streets, and a rich history. Visitors can explore its forts, churches, and enjoy panoramic views from the surrounding mountains.
  • Ecrins National Park: Situated nearby, Ecrins National Park is a paradise for nature lovers. The park encompasses glaciers, alpine meadows, and high peaks, providing countless opportunities for hiking, climbing, and wildlife spotting. It is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including ibex, chamois, and golden eagles.
  • La Grave: A picturesque village located in the heart of the French Alps, La Grave is renowned for its off-piste skiing and mountaineering opportunities. The village offers a peaceful atmosphere, traditional architecture, and stunning views of the Meije glaciers.
  • Lac de Serre-Ponçon: This large artificial lake is situated within a short distance from Les Casses Prelles. It offers a variety of water activities such as boating, swimming, and fishing. The lake is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, making it an ideal spot for picnics and relaxation.
  • Les Grands Bains du Monêtier: Located in the village of Monêtier-les-Bains, this thermal spa complex is known for its hot springs and wellness facilities. Visitors can enjoy various pools, saunas, steam rooms, and massages, providing a perfect opportunity to unwind and rejuvenate.
  • Queyras Regional Nature Park: Situated to the east of Les Casses Prelles, Queyras Regional Nature Park is a natural gem. The park features stunning landscapes, including lush valleys, picturesque villages, and high mountain peaks. It offers numerous hiking trails, mountain biking routes, and opportunities for wildlife observation.
  • Aiguilles d'Arves: These iconic peaks in the Arves massif are a popular destination for hikers and mountaineers. The area offers breathtaking views, alpine flora, and a challenging ascent for experienced climbers. The Aiguilles d'Arves are particularly famous for their distinctive shape and beauty.
  • Mont-Dauphin: Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mont-Dauphin is a fortified town built by Vauban. It is perched on a rocky hilltop and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Visitors can explore its well-preserved fortifications, stroll through its narrow streets, and learn about its military history. 10. Les Deux Alpes: Located a short distance away, Les Deux Alpes is a popular ski and summer resort. It offers extensive skiing opportunities in winter and features a vibrant atmosphere with numerous shops, restaurants, and bars. In the summer, visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, and even summer skiing on the glacier.

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