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Olivier Arrondelle
6 Rue de la Rigole


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €58





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Description for B&B:

Discover our three charming bedrooms situated in the peaceful countryside at the base of historical battlefields. Nestled within an old farm in the heart of a quaint Lorraine village, our delightful establishment invites you to indulge in the delectable flavors of regional cuisine and savor our homemade delicacies. In addition to the culinary delights, immerse yourself in the enchanting world of music as we provide a range of instruments for our esteemed guests. Whether you are a seasoned musician or simply wish to have some fun, the opportunity awaits you here. Furthermore, we offer a variety of engaging activities such as reading, board games, darts, and even gardening if you so desire. Choose to stay in one of our three thoughtfully appointed rooms, each named after a beloved song by Brassens: The Almond, Weeds, and Birds of Passage.


Appréciations pour Au Bois de mon Coeur, Foameix:

Review by: DOLLINGER Denis, Avr 14 2012 7:15AM
Trés bon acceuil, nous avons passé un super weeck end grace à Olivier et son épouse qui nous ont fait redécouvrir de BRASSENS et le plaisir de discuter autour d'une bonne table

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To reach Foameix from highway A4, take exit 32 towards Etain. Once in Etain, follow the signs for Damvillers. Afterward, make a right turn towards Foameix. Continue on the A4/E50 Highway East. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue on D908. Then, make a left turn onto D631. Take the exit for Etain and proceed on D65. Finally, make a right turn onto D197 and enter Foameix.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 58 68 10 OUI
(3 pers.)
1 58 88 10 OUI


Animals Allowed


  • Verdun Battlefield: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Foameix, the Verdun Battlefield is a historically significant site from World War I. It offers various memorials, trenches, and museums that provide insight into the intense battles that took place here.
  • Citadelle de Montmédy: Situated about 35 kilometers southeast of Foameix, the Citadelle de Montmédy is a well-preserved fortress that dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can explore the ramparts, underground passages, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Hattonchâtel Chateau: Situated around 40 kilometers northwest of Foameix, Hattonchâtel Chateau is a picturesque castle that overlooks the village of Hattonchâtel. Visitors can admire the beautiful architecture, explore the gardens, and enjoy the breathtaking views of the Meuse Valley.
  • Lac de Madine: Located just 10 kilometers southeast of Foameix, Lac de Madine is a large artificial lake surrounded by picturesque landscapes. It offers various recreational activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, and hiking, making it an ideal spot for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Saint-Mihiel: Positioned approximately 15 kilometers southwest of Foameix, the town of Saint-Mihiel has a rich historical heritage. Visitors can explore its charming streets, visit the Saint-Mihiel Abbey, and discover the Collegiate Church of Saint-Michel, known for its stunning stained glass windows.
  • Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial: Situated around 35 kilometers northwest of Foameix, the Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial is a beautifully maintained tribute to the American soldiers who lost their lives during World War II. It offers a serene atmosphere and a visitor center that provides information about the area's history.
  • Château de Thillombois: Located approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Foameix, the Château de Thillombois is an elegant Renaissance-style castle surrounded by a moat. Visitors can explore the interior, which showcases antique furniture and artwork, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the surrounding gardens.
  • Bar-le-Duc: Positioned about 30 kilometers southeast of Foameix, Bar-le-Duc is a charming town known for its preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, visit the Saint-Étienne Church with its impressive Renaissance-style facade, and sample the famous Bar-le-Duc redcurrant jelly. These attractions near Foameix provide a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and history of the region.

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