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Breban Sophie Et François
7 Chemin des Isles
Autheuil Authouillet


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Price per night:

price from €135


02 32 36 66 14


06 63 46 00 45

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Description for B&B:

La Ferme des Isles is situated on a domain of over 8 hectares on the banks of the Eure river. The property consists of a farmhouse, a barn, and a cottage, and features a vegetable garden, numerous fruit trees, vast fields, and a swimming area (unsupervised) on the edge of the Eure river, which runs through the property. Fishing is allowed with a permit.
La Ferme des Isles is also a haven for animals: chickens, roosters, geese, pigeons, dogs, cats, sheep, and donkeys coexist and surround you.
For those who love the countryside, are passionate about local produce, or simply crave peace and a change of scenery, La Ferme des Isles welcomes you to its five refined bedrooms and invites you to its warm table d'hôtes (reservation required 24 hours in advance only).


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La Ferme des Isles is located at 7, Chemin des Isles, 27490 Autheuil Authouillet, Normandie, France.

To reach La Ferme des Isles from the Autoroute A13, take exit 17 towards Gaillon - Les Andelys.

The coordinates for La Ferme des Isles are:
- Latitude (DD): 49.08875
- Longitude (DD): 1.2814127999999982

In DMS format:
- Latitude: 48°5154.828 N
- Longitude: 2°216.958 E



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 135 135
(3 pers.)
1 170 210
Holiday Home 1


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


  • Château Gaillard: Located in Les Andelys, about 20 kilometers away from Autheuil Authouillet, Château Gaillard is a medieval fortress built by Richard the Lionheart in the 12th century. With its impressive ruins perched on a hilltop overlooking the Seine River, it offers breathtaking views and a glimpse into the region's rich history.
  • Monet's House and Gardens: Situated in Giverny, approximately 35 kilometers from Autheuil Authouillet, Monet's House and Gardens are a must-visit for art enthusiasts and nature lovers. Explore the beautifully preserved house where Claude Monet lived and discover the famous water lily pond and Japanese bridge that inspired many of his paintings.
  • Claude Monet Foundation: Just a short distance from Monet's House, the Claude Monet Foundation houses an extensive collection of Impressionist art, including works by Monet himself and other renowned artists of the period. The foundation also maintains and preserves the stunning gardens that inspired Monet's masterpieces.
  • Château de Bizy: Located in Vernon, approximately 25 kilometers away, the Château de Bizy is an elegant 18th-century castle surrounded by magnificent gardens. Known as the "Versailles of Normandy," visitors can explore the castle's opulent interior, stroll through the landscaped gardens, and enjoy the beautiful fountains.
  • Fondation Claude Monet: Situated in nearby Sainte-Adresse, the Fondation Claude Monet is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Impressionist painter. The foundation houses an impressive collection of Monet's artworks, including his iconic water lily series. It also offers guided tours and educational programs for art enthusiasts.
  • Rouen Cathedral: Located in the city of Rouen, approximately 60 kilometers away, Rouen Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. The cathedral's intricate facade, stunning stained glass windows, and the tombs of Richard the Lionheart and Joan of Arc make it a significant historical and cultural site.
  • The Palace of Versailles: Though a bit farther away, approximately 100 kilometers from Autheuil Authouillet, the Palace of Versailles is an iconic attraction that cannot be missed. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of this former royal residence, explore the opulent Hall of Mirrors, and wander through the extraordinary gardens.
  • Le Havre: Situated on the coast of Normandy, around 100 kilometers from Autheuil Authouillet, Le Havre is a vibrant port city known for its modern architecture and cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the rebuilt city center, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, and enjoy the seaside promenade and sandy beaches.
  • Honfleur: Located approximately 80 kilometers away, Honfleur is a picturesque harbor town renowned for its charming narrow streets, colorful buildings, and historic wooden church. Explore the Vieux Bassin, the heart of the town, which is lined with cafes, galleries, and seafood restaurants. 10. Étretat: Situated along the Alabaster Coast, about 100 kilometers from Autheuil Authouillet, Étretat is famous for its dramatic cliffs and natural arches. Visitors can take in the breathtaking views from the cliff tops, stroll along the pebble beach, and explore the charming town with its art galleries and seafood eateries.

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