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Join us for a captivating journey through Thiérache, a picturesque region renowned for its serene countryside, lush green pastures, and charming Pays de Bocage. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the landscapes, where traditional architecture gracefully blends with nature's bounty. Whether on foot, horseback, or bicycle, indulge in the pleasure of exploring these stunning surroundings at your own pace. For sports enthusiasts, our country offers an abundance of opportunities to celebrate and partake in various activities. Meanwhile, those seeking a more tranquil experience can relish in the chance to visit enchanting destinations and savor the delectable flavors of our region's authentic cuisine.


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The destination is situated along Secondary Road 747, found between Montcornet and Hirson (02500).



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Holiday Home 3 250 390


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  • Laon Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Laon, this impressive Gothic cathedral dates back to the 12th century. It is renowned for its stunning architecture, including its rose window and intricate sculptures.
  • Château de Coucy: Situated in Coucy-le-Château-Auffrique, this medieval castle is a fascinating attraction. Although partially ruined, its imposing towers and impressive fortifications offer a glimpse into its former grandeur.
  • Musée de Laon: Located in the heart of Laon, this museum showcases a collection of art and artifacts from the region. Visitors can explore various exhibitions, including archaeological finds, medieval art, and contemporary works.
  • Chemin des Dames: This historic site near Craonne holds great significance from World War I. It was the site of intense battles, and today visitors can explore the preserved trenches, memorials, and museums that commemorate the soldiers who fought there.
  • Lac de Monampteuil: Situated in Monampteuil, this picturesque lake offers a range of outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, kayaking, pedal boating, or simply relax on the sandy beaches and enjoy the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Saint-Quentin: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Jeantes, the city of Saint-Quentin boasts a charming historic center. Visitors can wander through its cobbled streets, admire the Gothic-style Basilica, and explore the numerous shops and cafes.
  • Caverne du Dragon: Also known as the Dragon's Lair, this former underground quarry served as a strategic position during World War I. It has been preserved as a museum and offers an immersive experience, allowing visitors to understand the harsh conditions faced by soldiers during the war.
  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation: Situated in Tergnier, this museum is dedicated to the French Resistance and the deportations during World War II. It houses a collection of artifacts, photographs, and documents that provide insight into this important period in history.
  • Guise: This small town is home to the impressive Château de Guise, a Renaissance-style castle that was once the residence of the powerful House of Guise. The castle now hosts cultural events and offers guided tours of its grand interiors and beautiful gardens. 10. Abbaye de Saint-Michel-en-Thiérache: Found in the Thiérache region, this ancient abbey dates back to the 11th century. Its stunning architecture, including the impressive Romanesque church, and peaceful surroundings make it a serene and culturally significant site to visit.