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Contact Details:


Eloïse Troccaz
Le Mollard
St Martin Sur La Chambre


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80




Description for B&B:

Come and experience the charm of our historic 18th century tower house nestled in the foothills at an elevation of 600m. Our talented chef, inspired by his love for both cuisine and the mountains, invites you on a culinary adventure, where local and exotic flavors harmoniously blend to create a truly unique gastronomic experience. Upstairs, you will discover our three beautifully appointed double bedrooms - La Clarine, La Campanelle, and La Tintinnabule - each featuring a king size bed, en-suite bathroom, and WC. While each room boasts its own distinct theme, what they all share is a breathtaking view of the majestic Belledonne mountain range.


Appréciations pour Le Clocher des Pères et Ses Clochettes, St Martin Sur La Chambre:

Review by: LECLERE/HENRY, Juin 21 2017 6:36PM
Le cadre est magnifique les chambres aussi. Nous y avions séjourné 4 nuits il y a 6 ans et j'y retournerais bien que de bons souvenirs et nous avions eu un accueil parfait.
Exceptionnel. A ne pas manquer !
Review by: ASCHER, Mai 29 2017 7:16PM
Cadre magnifique, belles chambres avec une bonne literie. Très bon accueil . Les clients sont bien soignés .

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 80 80 80 80 20




  • Château de Montfleury: Located in the nearby town of Avressieux, this medieval castle offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, walls, and gardens, and learn about its rich history.
  • Lac d'Aiguebelette: Situated just a short drive from Le Mollard, Lac d'Aiguebelette is a picturesque lake known for its crystal-clear waters and peaceful atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy swimming, kayaking, paddleboarding, or simply relax on the lake's sandy beaches.
  • Château de Miolans: This impressive fortress, nestled in the heart of the Alps, is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. It was once a notorious prison and has been featured in several movies. The castle offers guided tours that provide insights into its fascinating past.
  • Les Grottes de St Christophe: Located in a nearby village, these caves are a natural wonder waiting to be explored. Visitors can take guided tours through the underground chambers, marvel at the stunning rock formations, and learn about the cave's geological significance.
  • Musée du Tisserand dauphinois: Situated in La Bâtie-Montgascon, this museum showcases the rich textile heritage of the region. Visitors can learn about traditional weaving techniques, admire intricate textiles, and even try their hand at weaving on a loom.
  • Chartreuse de Saint-Hugon: Nestled in the Chartreuse Mountains, this former monastery offers a tranquil setting for nature lovers. Visitors can explore the beautiful grounds, walk along peaceful trails, and take in the serene atmosphere of the surrounding mountains.
  • Château de Virieu: Located in Virieu, this well-preserved castle dates back to the 11th century. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle, admire its impressive architecture, and learn about the noble families who once inhabited it.
  • Domaine de Vizille: Situated in Vizille, this historic estate is home to a stunning castle surrounded by beautiful gardens and a large park. Visitors can explore the castle's grand rooms, stroll through the landscaped gardens, and enjoy a picnic by the lake.
  • Musée de la Houille Blanche: Located in Voreppe, this museum is dedicated to the history of hydroelectric power in the region. Visitors can learn about the development of this industry through interactive exhibits, models, and historical artifacts. 10. Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse: Just a short distance from Le Mollard, this regional natural park offers breathtaking landscapes and outdoor activities. Visitors can go hiking, mountain biking, or simply enjoy the peaceful surroundings of this protected area.

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