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Chemin de la Galégière


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price from €800






Description for Gite

The property includes five separate guest houses, each featuring a spacious living room/kitchen equipped with a dishwasher and television. Additionally, each house offers two bedrooms, a loft with two beds, a bathroom, and a separate toilet. Amenities such as WiFi, a washing machine, a dryer, and a telephone are shared among the houses. Linen can be provided upon request, and bicycles are available for rental. Guests can enjoy on-site volleyball and pétanque facilities. The house, known as "The Galegière," was named after the Galégeons, a unique bird species with long, slender legs that defied the laws of balance and once inhabited the old marsh of Arles. Reflecting its rich heritage, "The Galegière" seamlessly combines modern comfort with its natural surroundings, making it an ideal destination for visitors from around the world.


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Holiday Home 6 800 1100



  • Arles Amphitheatre: Located in the heart of Arles, the ancient Roman amphitheater is a must-visit attraction. It is one of the best-preserved Roman amphitheaters in France and offers a glimpse into the city's rich history.
  • Alyscamps: This ancient Roman necropolis is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It features an impressive row of sarcophagi and is often described as a hauntingly beautiful site. Alyscamps is also known for its association with Vincent van Gogh, who painted some of his famous works here.
  • Abbey of Montmajour: Situated on a rocky outcrop near Arles, the Abbey of Montmajour dates back to the 10th century. The abbey boasts stunning architectural features and offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. It is an ideal place for history and nature enthusiasts.
  • Van Gogh Foundation: This art museum is dedicated to the life and works of Vincent van Gogh. Located in the heart of Arles, it showcases a collection of his paintings, drawings, and letters. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions related to other artists who influenced or were influenced by Van Gogh.
  • Espace Van Gogh: Formerly a hospital, Espace Van Gogh is now a cultural center and art gallery. It features exhibitions of contemporary art and photography, and its beautiful courtyard, depicted in one of Van Gogh's famous paintings, is a serene place to relax and appreciate art.
  • Saint-Trophime Church: A masterpiece of Romanesque architecture, the Saint-Trophime Church in Arles is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its stunning facade and intricately carved portal are among its highlights. Inside, visitors can admire beautiful sculptures and a peaceful cloister.
  • Camargue Natural Regional Park: Located just south of Arles, the Camargue is a vast wetland area known for its unique biodiversity. The park is home to wild horses, pink flamingos, and a variety of bird species. Visitors can explore the park on horseback, by bike, or on a guided safari tour.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Arles, Les Baux-de-Provence is a picturesque medieval village perched on a rocky hilltop. Its narrow streets, charming shops, and ancient castle ruins make it a popular tourist destination.
  • Pont du Gard: Located about 40 kilometers from Arles, the Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This impressive structure spans the Gardon River and is a testament to the engineering prowess of the Romans. 10. Nîmes: Situated approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Arles, Nîmes is a vibrant city renowned for its well-preserved Roman monuments. The Roman Arena, Maison Carrée, and the Temple of Diana are some of the must-see attractions in Nîmes. Additionally, the city offers a delightful blend of history, culture, and modern amenities.

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