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Anne Marie Lunardi
Chemin de Valérian
Saint Paulet de Caisson


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Price per night:

price from €40




Description for B&B:

Experience the tranquility of a bed and breakfast that offers a private bathroom and kitchen, situated within a charming ancient Provençal House. Nestled amidst serene natural surroundings, this idyllic retreat is conveniently located near the breathtaking Ardèche canyon, Cèze vallée, as well as the enchanting cities of Avignon and Uzès.

Description for Gite

This charming apartment is located in a peaceful and natural setting within an ancient house. It offers a fully-equipped kitchen, a comfortable living room, and three bedrooms consisting of one twin bed and three single beds. The apartment also features a terrace and parking area for your convenience. Surrounding the property, there are numerous delightful attractions to explore, including the enchanting cities of Avignon and Uzes, the breathtaking Ardèche Canyon, as well as several picturesque medieval villages. Enjoy a serene and unforgettable stay in this idyllic retreat.


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To get to the house, take the Bollène exit on Motorway A7. Then, follow the direction to Pont Saint Esprit for approximately 10km. After that, continue for another 5km until you reach Saint Paulet de Caisson. The house is located 1.5km away from the village.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 40 50 250 no
Holiday Home 1 350€


Animals Allowed


  • Pont du Gard: Located approximately 15 kilometers northeast of Saint Paulet de Caisson, the Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most well-preserved Roman structures in the world.
  • Avignon: Situated around 30 kilometers northwest of Saint Paulet de Caisson, Avignon is known for its medieval architecture and the Palais des Papes (Papal Palace). Explore the historic city center, visit the famous Avignon Bridge, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this charming city.
  • Uzès: Located about 40 kilometers northeast of Saint Paulet de Caisson, Uzès is a picturesque town known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Discover the stunning Uzès Cathedral, wander through the narrow streets lined with elegant houses, and explore the vibrant local market.
  • Nîmes: Situated approximately 50 kilometers southwest of Saint Paulet de Caisson, Nîmes is famous for its well-preserved Roman monuments. Visit the iconic Arena of Nîmes, the Maison Carrée, and the beautiful Jardins de la Fontaine. Nîmes also boasts a rich cultural heritage and a lively atmosphere.
  • Orange: Located around 40 kilometers northwest of Saint Paulet de Caisson, Orange is known for its impressive Roman theater, which is one of the best-preserved in the world. Explore the ancient ruins, visit the Triumphal Arch of Orange, and immerse yourself in the city's Roman history.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: Situated approximately 60 kilometers north of Saint Paulet de Caisson, the Gorges de l'Ardèche offers stunning natural beauty. Take a scenic drive along the winding roads, go canoeing or kayaking in the river, and enjoy breathtaking views of the limestone cliffs and crystal-clear water.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Located around 80 kilometers southwest of Saint Paulet de Caisson, Aigues-Mortes is a fortified medieval town near the Mediterranean coast. Explore the well-preserved city walls, visit the Tower of Constance, and stroll through the charming streets filled with shops and restaurants.
  • Mont Ventoux: Situated approximately 90 kilometers northeast of Saint Paulet de Caisson, Mont Ventoux is a famous mountain in the Provence region. Known as the "Giant of Provence," it offers stunning panoramic views from its summit and is a popular destination for cycling enthusiasts.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Located around 100 kilometers southwest of Saint Paulet de Caisson, Les Baux-de-Provence is a medieval village perched on a rocky outcrop. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Château des Baux, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. 10. Arles: Situated approximately 70 kilometers west of Saint Paulet de Caisson, Arles is a city renowned for its Roman and Romanesque monuments. Discover the well-preserved Amphitheatre, visit the Roman Theatre, and explore the charming historic center, which inspired many famous artists, including Vincent van Gogh.

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