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Laetitia Frederic
Bel Air


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Description for B&B:

This description is for confirmed beginners who are interested in learning various sculpture techniques. The Sculpture-Weekend-Day Introduction to Sculpture Sculpture Studio is open to both children and adults. The package includes 15 to 20 hours of instruction spread over 5 half days. All aspects of sculpture will be covered, and tools and raw materials will be provided. The courses are specifically designed for confirmed beginners, but other types of training are also available. To inquire about booking a spot, please contact me at

Additionally, we offer a package called Package B & B, which includes bed and breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a rate of 800 euros for families and 550 euros for individuals.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 550 850




  • Mont Ventoux: Located just a few kilometers from Malaucène, Mont Ventoux is a famous mountain in the Provence region. It offers breathtaking views from its summit and is a popular destination for hikers, cyclists, and nature enthusiasts.
  • Dentelles de Montmirail: A stunning mountain range situated near Malaucène, Dentelles de Montmirail is known for its unique jagged peaks and picturesque vineyards. It's an ideal spot for hiking, rock climbing, and wine tasting in the nearby villages.
  • Vaison-la-Romaine: A historical town located approximately 10 kilometers from Malaucène, Vaison-la-Romaine is renowned for its well-preserved Roman ruins. Visitors can explore the ancient theater, Roman bridge, and archaeological sites, as well as wander through the charming old town.
  • Orange: Situated about 30 kilometers from Malaucène, Orange boasts impressive Roman architecture, including the UNESCO-listed Théâtre Antique. This well-preserved Roman theater hosts various performances and is a must-visit for history and culture lovers.
  • Avignon: Located around 40 kilometers from Malaucène, Avignon is known for its rich history and remarkable architecture. The Palais des Papes, a grand medieval palace, is a prominent attraction, along with the famous Pont d'Avignon and the charming old town.
  • Gorges du Toulourenc: A natural wonder in close proximity to Malaucène, the Gorges du Toulourenc offers a beautiful setting for outdoor activities. Visitors can hike along the river, swim in its crystal-clear waters, and enjoy picnics in the peaceful surroundings.
  • Luberon Regional Nature Park: Situated a short drive away from Malaucène, the Luberon Regional Nature Park is a picturesque area renowned for its scenic landscapes, charming hilltop villages, and lavender fields. It's perfect for hiking, cycling, and immersing oneself in the enchanting Provençal countryside.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: A captivating village located approximately 25 kilometers from Malaucène, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is known for its impressive natural spring. Visitors can explore the source of the Sorgue River, visit the historic paper mill, and enjoy the quaint streets lined with shops and restaurants.
  • Sault: Situated around 30 kilometers from Malaucène, Sault is a delightful village renowned for its lavender fields. During the blooming season, the vibrant purple landscapes attract visitors from all over the world. The village also offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. 10. Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Malaucène, Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is often referred to as the "Venise of Provence" due to its canals and waterwheels. This charming town is famous for its antique markets, art galleries, and riverside cafes, making it a popular destination for art and culture enthusiasts.

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