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Didier Louwagie
Port de Vire
Vire Sur Lot



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75





Description for B&B:

The Annex offers rooms with a stunning view of the garden and pool. These rooms are thoughtfully designed to provide every comfort and are perfect for families or groups of friends. Enjoy a delicious buffet breakfast and dinner on the terrace or in the dining room. The lounge, spa, and fitness facilities are always available for your relaxation and well-being. The nearby medieval towns and villages have retained their charm throughout the centuries and come alive on market days. Explore numerous castles and indulge in various sports activities such as cycling, golf, fishing, and kayaking. Children will also find entertainment in the several theme parks and attractions.

Description for Gite


Appréciations pour Maison du Port, Vire Sur Lot:

Review by: vittecoq , Juil 17 2017 9:02AM
En juin, nous avons passé une semaine chez Carine et Didier ; nous étions deux couples d'amis, l'un normand, l'autre marseillais. Que dire de plus qu'un accueil made in Belgique, c'est à dire, très chaleureux et un hébergement d'excellente qualité ; quant aux chocolats : une merveille. Nous espérons réitérer ce séjour une autre fois.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 75 80 incl
(3 pers.)
1 100 105 incl


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Château de Bonaguil: Located just a short drive from Port de Vire, Château de Bonaguil is a magnificent medieval castle. It is known for its impressive architecture and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Cahors Cathedral: Situated in Cahors, which is approximately 30 kilometers from Vire Sur Lot, Cahors Cathedral is a captivating Romanesque-Gothic cathedral. It features intricate stained glass windows and houses the famous Black Madonna.
  • Pech Merle Cave: A bit further away, around 50 kilometers from Vire Sur Lot, you will find the Pech Merle Cave. This prehistoric cave offers guided tours where visitors can explore fascinating cave paintings that date back over 25,000 years.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Considered one of the most beautiful villages in France, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie is located approximately 60 kilometers away. This picturesque hilltop village is known for its medieval architecture and panoramic views of the Lot River.
  • Grotte du Pech-Merle: Located near Cabrerets, about 50 kilometers from Vire Sur Lot, the Grotte du Pech-Merle is another noteworthy cave to visit. It features stunning limestone formations and prehistoric paintings that are exceptionally well-preserved.
  • Gouffre de Padirac: Situated around 80 kilometers away, the Gouffre de Padirac is a fascinating natural wonder. Visitors can descend into an immense underground cavity and explore the stunning subterranean river and rock formations.
  • Rocamadour: About 70 kilometers from Vire Sur Lot, Rocamadour is a captivating village built into the side of a cliff. It is famous for its religious significance and houses several important pilgrimage sites, including the Basilica of Saint-Sauveur.
  • Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Located approximately 50 kilometers away, the Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux is a well-preserved medieval fortress. It offers guided tours where visitors can learn about its rich history and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Cité Religieuse de Marcilhac-sur-Célé: Situated around 40 kilometers from Vire Sur Lot, this religious site encompasses an abbey, a church, and a picturesque village. Visitors can explore the beautiful architecture and peaceful atmosphere. 10. Château de Montal: Found near Saint-Jean-Lespinasse, about 35 kilometers away, Château de Montal is a Renaissance castle with stunning gardens. It showcases a blend of Gothic and Italian architectural styles and offers guided tours. These tourist attractions near Port de Vire and Vire Sur Lot offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the beauty and diversity of the region.

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