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Peter Karrer
Le Villaret


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Price per night:

price from €56






Description for B&B:

Welcome to Trèves! We invite you to experience a delightful stay at our charming B&B and cozy holiday lodging called "Les Lilas" (60 sqm). Our accommodations provide comfort and are accompanied by a beautiful garden, offering both sunny and shaded areas to relax. Enjoy the extraordinary view of the limestone cliffs that surrounds us.

At our establishment, we prioritize environmental sustainability by utilizing solar energy and rainwater. Additionally, we take pride in serving delicious evening meals made with seasonal and organic ingredients.

Located just 400 meters away, Trèves offers convenient amenities such as a post office, grocery store, restaurant, river bathing, tennis courts, and a square for playing boules. We look forward to welcoming you and hope to see you soon!

Description for Gite

Discover the enchanting and untamed beauty of the Cevennes and the Causses while unwinding in our three cozy houses.
Firstly, we present "Les Lilas," a spacious 60m² abode boasting 2 rooms and a fully equipped kitchen. Additionally, we offer "Le Rosier" and "La Cardabelle," both charming 17m² accommodations. All three houses are nestled within the historic "La Falaise" farm.
Immerse yourself in the lush garden and marvel at the breathtaking vistas of the cliffs. Our knowledgeable staff is readily available to provide any desired information, ensuring a memorable stay. Additionally, we invite you to join us for a delectable organic meal, further enhancing your experience.


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Here are the rewritten travel directions:

1. From Lyon, head towards Le Puy, then continue to St. Enemie, Meyrueis, Lanuéjols, and finally Trèves.
2. Alternatively, you can travel from Paris to Clermont Ferrand, then proceed to Millau, Cantobre, and finally Trèves.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: bed 140, small kitchen
Notes: 1 bed 120, 1 bed 90
Notes: 2 beds 140, 1 bed 90




  • Pont du Gard: Located about 30 minutes away from Le Villaret, Pont du Gard is a UNESCO World Heritage site and an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge. It is a remarkable architectural masterpiece and offers stunning views of the surrounding area.
  • Nîmes: Situated approximately 40 minutes from Le Villaret, Nîmes is a historic city known for its well-preserved Roman structures. Attractions include the Roman amphitheater, Maison Carrée (a Roman temple), and the Jardins de la Fontaine (public gardens).
  • Uzès: Uzès is a charming town located around 45 minutes away from Le Villaret. It is famous for its medieval architecture, particularly the prominent Uzès Cathedral and the Duchy of Uzès. The town also offers a vibrant market and picturesque streets to explore.
  • Avignon: About an hour's drive from Le Villaret, Avignon is renowned for its Papal Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The city also features the famous Avignon Bridge (Pont Saint-Bénézet) and a delightful old town with narrow streets, cafes, and boutiques.
  • Les Gorges du Gardon: Situated nearby, Les Gorges du Gardon is a stunning natural attraction. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails along the river, swimming in the clear waters, and picnicking in the picturesque setting.
  • Arles: Located approximately an hour away, Arles is famed for its Roman ruins and its association with Vincent van Gogh. The city offers attractions such as the Roman amphitheater, Roman theater, and the Fondation Vincent van Gogh museum.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Aigues-Mortes is a medieval walled town situated about an hour and a half from Le Villaret. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ramparts, visit the Tower of Constance, and stroll through the charming streets filled with shops and restaurants.
  • Camargue Regional Nature Park: Located nearby, Camargue is a unique wetland area known for its diverse wildlife, including wild horses and flamingos. It offers opportunities for birdwatching, horseback riding, and enjoying the beautiful landscapes.
  • The Cévennes National Park: Situated to the north of Le Villaret, the Cévennes National Park is a protected area known for its stunning natural beauty. It offers opportunities for hiking, cycling, and exploring picturesque villages nestled in the mountains. 10. La Grande-Motte: Located about an hour and a half away, La Grande-Motte is a vibrant seaside resort known for its modern architecture and long sandy beaches. Visitors can enjoy water sports, beach activities, and a lively atmosphere.

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