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Contact Details:


Clarisse Rozet
11 Rue du Général Pont


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Price per night:

price from €60




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Description for B&B:

Here is the rewritten description:

The accommodation includes:
- One spacious suite with a 140 by 200 bed, a sofa bed for two, a two-seater dining table, and a flat screen TV.
- A separate fully equipped kitchen with a fridge, microwave, range hood, stove, toaster, pots, pans, cutlery, and a hot drinks machine.
- A separate bathroom with a bathtub, complimentary toiletries, and a washing machine.
- A separate toilet.

The rental price includes:
- Daily housekeeping and final cleaning if desired.
- Breakfast for two, including coffee, tea, hot chocolate, butter, jam, bread, crackers, and fruit juice.
- Beds made upon arrival, bath towels, and home and household cleaning products.

Private parking is available adjacent to the apartment, with a dedicated spot included in the rental price.

The rates are as follows:
- $90 per night for one or two people.
- $160 for a two-night stay (weekdays or weekends) for one or two people.
- Weekly rentals are also available.

Please don't hesitate to contact me for personalized reservations, as availability may vary. I am at your service.

Useful Information:
- Check-in is from 4:00 p.m.
- Check-out time is 12:00 p.m.

Please contact me via email for a prompt response.

Looking forward to welcoming you.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 90 320 360
Apartment 1 60 90 320 360


Disabled Access


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  • Berbie Palace: Adjacent to the Albi Cathedral, the Berbie Palace is a medieval fortress turned museum. It houses the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum and showcases a collection of artworks, including sculptures, tapestries, and archaeological artifacts.
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  • Laperouse Museum: Located in a beautiful 13th-century building, the Laperouse Museum commemorates the explorer Jean-François de Galaup, comte de Lapérouse. Visitors can learn about his voyages through interactive exhibits, artifacts, and models of his ships.
  • Saint-Salvi Collegiate Church: Dating back to the 11th century, this Romanesque church is known for its impressive cloister and beautiful stained glass windows. It provides a peaceful atmosphere for visitors to explore and appreciate its historical and architectural significance.
  • Albi Historic Center: The historic center of Albi is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Walking through its narrow streets, visitors can admire charming houses, shops, and cafes that give a glimpse into the city's rich history.
  • Rochegude Mansion: This elegant mansion, built in the 16th century, is now home to the Art Museum of Albi. It features a collection of modern and contemporary artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and installations.
  • Albi Market: Every Saturday morning, the streets around the Cathedral come alive with the vibrant Albi Market. Visitors can wander through stalls selling fresh produce, local products, clothing, crafts, and more, immersing themselves in the local culture. 10. Sidobre: Located about 45 minutes from Albi, Sidobre is a natural wonderland of massive granite rocks. Visitors can hike, picnic, and explore the unique rock formations, including the famous Peyro Clabado, a balanced rock weighing over 800 tons. These attractions provide a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences for visitors to enjoy while staying in Albi, France.