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Marie-bernard Ruas
Camp Del Blat
St André de Majencoules


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50





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Appréciations pour Ma Petite Olivede, St André de Majencoules:

Ma petite Olivède
Review by: Pierre & Michèle, Avr 28 2015 10:08PM
Ce fut dans le calme et la bonne humeur que nous avons été accueilli.

Nous avons été chouchoutés pendant tout notre séjour.

Des petits plats préparés avec soin dans l'esprit traditionnel de la région nous régalaient chaque soir après nos randonnées journalières.

Un cadre agréable simple et pourtant chaleureux, reposant et gai.

Bref, grâce à Marie et Patrice nous avons passé un long week-end très agréable. Merveilleux souvenirs.

Merci encore pour tout cela.

Pierre & Michèle

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To reach St André de Majencoules, you can start from either Montpelier or Ganges, and then head towards Nimes Pont Dherald.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 50 60 40


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Cirque de Navacelles: Located about 12 kilometers northeast of Camp Del Blat, the Cirque de Navacelles is a stunning natural attraction. It features a horseshoe-shaped canyon formed by the Vis River, offering breathtaking views, hiking trails, and opportunities for outdoor activities like kayaking and cycling.
  • Mont Aigoual: Situated about 27 kilometers southeast of Camp Del Blat, Mont Aigoual is the highest peak in the Cévennes National Park. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views from the summit, explore the weather observatory, and engage in various outdoor activities such as hiking and paragliding.
  • Bamboo Garden of Prafrance: Located approximately 18 kilometers southwest of Camp Del Blat, the Bamboo Garden of Prafrance is a unique botanical garden featuring a vast collection of bamboo species from around the world. Visitors can stroll through the garden's pathways, admire the towering bamboo groves, and learn about the diverse plant life.
  • Le Vigan: Situated only 9 kilometers north of Camp Del Blat, Le Vigan is a charming historic town with well-preserved architecture and a picturesque setting. Visitors can wander through narrow streets, visit the local market, explore the medieval tower, and immerse themselves in the town's rich cultural heritage.
  • Grotte des Demoiselles: Located around 28 kilometers southwest of Camp Del Blat, the Grotte des Demoiselles is a stunning cave system known for its impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations. Guided tours take visitors on an underground journey, showcasing the natural wonders and revealing the cave's fascinating history.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: Situated approximately 50 kilometers southeast of Camp Del Blat, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert is a medieval village nestled in a picturesque valley. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers visitors the chance to explore its charming streets, visit the impressive Abbey of Gellone, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Pont du Gard: Located about 80 kilometers southwest of Camp Del Blat, the Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge and an iconic symbol of Roman engineering. Visitors can marvel at the impressive architecture, explore the museum, and even swim or kayak in the river beneath the bridge.
  • Nîmes: Situated approximately 73 kilometers southwest of Camp Del Blat, Nîmes is a vibrant city with a rich history dating back to the Roman era. Visitors can explore well-preserved Roman monuments such as the Arena of Nîmes and the Maison Carrée, stroll through the charming old town, and enjoy the city's lively atmosphere. These tourist attractions near Camp Del Blat offer a diverse range of natural wonders, historical sites, and cultural experiences for visitors to enjoy.

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