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Christian Montalbetti
53 rue de Rouffach


1 reviews

Price per week:

price from €270




Description for Gite

This charming 3-key classified refuge, recognized by Clévacances, and awarded 3 stars by the Upper Rhine tourist office, is a delightful independent house located within the owner's courtyard. With no other residences within the property, guests can enjoy their privacy while being surrounded by a beautiful garden, orchard, and a stable housing a horse and pony.

Nestled in the picturesque Alsace plain, the village of Oberhergheim is a tranquil haven classified with 2 flowers and boasts a population of 1100 inhabitants. Additionally, it is conveniently situated just 6 km away from the famous wine road. The house itself offers easy access to various attractions, with Colmar and Fessenheim a mere 15 km away, Mulhouse 30 km away, Germany 20 km away, and Switzerland 50 km away.


Appréciations pour La Maison Bleue, Oberhergheim:

vacances 2018
Review by: Lemaitre Aline et Jean, Aou 2 2018 3:43PM
Merci à madame et monsieur Montalbetti de leur accueil ce sont des gens très sympathique qui nous ont très bien reçus.Si vous avez l'occasion de passer de très bonnes vacances allez au gîte de madame et monsieur Montalbetti en plus vous avez une vue magnifique et cette maison est géniale.Je vous la recommande.

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Travel directions:

If you are taking the A35, take exit number 28 and head towards Oberhergheim on the D201 for 3 kilometers on the motorway. Then, continue on the D8 for 1 kilometer until you reach Oberhergheim. The destination will be the fourth house on the left.

If you prefer to take the national road 83, take the Rouffach centre (industrial park) exit. Follow the D18 (a) until you reach the roundabout on the left. From there, continue on the D8 for 5 kilometers until you arrive in Oberhergheim. The destination will be the fourth house on the left.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 270 350


Animals Allowed


  • Ecomusée d'Alsace: Located in Ungersheim, approximately 15 kilometers northwest of Oberhergheim, this open-air museum showcases the traditional Alsatian way of life. Visitors can explore over 70 authentic buildings, observe traditional crafts, and learn about the region's cultural heritage.
  • Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg: Situated 40 kilometers northeast of Oberhergheim, this medieval castle offers stunning panoramic views of the Alsace region. Originally built in the 12th century, the castle was restored in the early 20th century and now serves as a popular tourist attraction.
  • Parc de l'Orangerie: Located in Strasbourg, around 90 kilometers north of Oberhergheim, this park is a picturesque oasis in the heart of the city. It features beautiful gardens, a lake, a zoo, and a mini-golf course, making it an ideal place for a leisurely stroll or a family outing.
  • Cité du Train - Musée Français du Chemin de Fer: Situated in Mulhouse, approximately 30 kilometers south of Oberhergheim, this museum is dedicated to the history of trains in France. With an impressive collection of locomotives and carriages, interactive exhibits, and a miniature train ride, it offers a fascinating experience for railway enthusiasts of all ages.
  • Le Parc de Wesserling: Located in Husseren-Wesserling, about 35 kilometers southwest of Oberhergheim, this former textile factory has been transformed into a beautiful park. Visitors can explore the well-manicured gardens, discover the industrial heritage of the site, and enjoy various events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Europa-Park: Situated in Rust, Germany, approximately 60 kilometers northeast of Oberhergheim, Europa-Park is one of Europe's largest theme parks. Offering a wide range of thrilling rides, shows, and themed areas representing different European countries, it guarantees a day full of excitement and entertainment.
  • Musée Unterlinden: Located in Colmar, around 20 kilometers northwest of Oberhergheim, this art museum is housed in a former Dominican convent. It boasts an impressive collection of artworks, including the famous Isenheim Altarpiece, as well as archaeological artifacts and decorative arts from the region.
  • Petite Camargue Alsacienne Nature Reserve: Situated approximately 80 kilometers north of Oberhergheim, this vast wetland area is a paradise for nature lovers. Visitors can explore the reserve's diverse ecosystems, observe numerous bird species, and enjoy activities such as hiking, cycling, and boat tours.
  • Le Parc de l'Orangerie: Located in Colmar, around 20 kilometers northwest of Oberhergheim, this park is known for its beautiful flower displays, serene lake, and charming promenades. It provides a peaceful environment to relax, have a picnic, or rent a paddleboat and enjoy the water. 10. Mulhouse Zoo: Situated in Mulhouse, approximately 30 kilometers south of Oberhergheim, this zoo is home to a wide variety of animal species from around the world. With its focus on conservation and education, it offers a captivating experience for visitors of all ages. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the route taken.

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