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Patricia Champion
676, Route Du Neufbourg
Bretteville Du Grand Caux


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price from €490






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Holiday Home 1 85 130 490 896




  • Étretat: Located approximately 10 km from Bretteville Du Grand Caux, Étretat is a charming coastal town known for its breathtaking cliffs and natural beauty. Visitors can enjoy stunning views of the famous rock formations such as the Falaise d'Aval and Falaise d'Amont, as well as explore the picturesque beach and charming town center.
  • Le Havre: Situated about 25 km away, Le Havre is a port city known for its modern architecture and UNESCO World Heritage status. It offers a variety of attractions including the striking Saint Joseph's Church, the André Malraux Museum of Modern Art, and the beautiful waterfront promenade, which is perfect for a leisurely stroll.
  • Honfleur: Located approximately 30 km from Bretteville Du Grand Caux, Honfleur is a picturesque harbor town with a rich maritime history. Its quaint narrow streets are lined with picturesque half-timbered houses and art galleries. Visitors can explore the charming port area, visit the Sainte-Catherine Church, or enjoy fresh seafood at one of the many restaurants.
  • Rouen: Situated about 40 km away, Rouen is a historic city renowned for its stunning Gothic architecture and association with Joan of Arc. The city offers attractions such as the magnificent Rouen Cathedral, the Gros-Horloge clock tower, and the medieval quarter with its charming streets and half-timbered houses.
  • Fécamp: Located approximately 45 km from Bretteville Du Grand Caux, Fécamp is a delightful coastal town known for its impressive Benedictine Palace. Visitors can tour the Palace, which houses a museum showcasing the history of the famous Benedictine liqueur. Fécamp also boasts a picturesque harbor, beautiful beaches, and the striking Church of Saint-Etienne.
  • Veules-les-Roses: Situated about 50 km away, Veules-les-Roses is a charming coastal village famous for having the shortest river in France, the Veules. Visitors can explore the quaint village with its traditional thatched cottages, stroll along the riverbank, and relax on the sandy beach. Don't forget to try the village's specialty, the delicious Veules-les-Roses shrimps.
  • Dieppe: Located approximately 70 km from Bretteville Du Grand Caux, Dieppe is a vibrant seaside resort town known for its beautiful pebble beach and lively waterfront. The town offers attractions such as the Château de Dieppe, the Dieppe Market, and the Dieppe Castle Museum. Visitors can also enjoy water sports, visit art galleries, or try the local seafood cuisine. These tourist attractions near Bretteville Du Grand Caux offer a mix of natural beauty, historic charm, and cultural experiences, making them ideal destinations for exploration and relaxation.

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