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Thierry Farre
13 Lotissement Le Soleil Levant


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Price per night:

price from €50





Description for B&B:

Hello, we are Estelle and Thierry, a couple who have developed a deep affection for the beautiful Drôme Provençale region. With a heartfelt welcome, we invite you to our serene abode, where you can experience a truly delightful vacation. We are readily available to provide you with excellent recommendations, yet we understand the importance of privacy if you desire a more intimate getaway. Feel free to get in touch with us; we will be delighted to respond. Furthermore, we have an avid interest in beekeeping and would be thrilled to introduce you to this fascinating world during the summer season. Additionally, we are fluent in English and Spanish for your convenience.


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(2 pers.)
1 50 90 300 500


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Grignan: Located in the village of Grignan, this stunning Renaissance castle is known for its impressive architecture and beautiful gardens. It was once the residence of Madame de Sévigné, a famous French literary figure.
  • Le Sentier des Ocres: Situated in the village of Roussillon, this unique trail takes you through vibrant ochre-colored cliffs and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. It is a fantastic spot for nature lovers and photographers.
  • Palais des Papes: In the city of Avignon, you'll find this grand medieval palace that served as the residence of the popes during the 14th century. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage site and houses various exhibitions and events.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located a bit further away, these stunning limestone gorges are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. You can go canoeing, kayaking, or hiking along the river, and enjoy the breathtaking views of the cliffs and natural formations.
  • La Ferme aux Crocodiles: Situated in Pierrelatte, this unique attraction is Europe's largest crocodile farm. Visitors can observe various species of crocodiles and learn about their habitats and conservation efforts through guided tours and interactive exhibits.
  • Pont d'Avignon: Also known as the Pont Saint-Bénézet, this famous bridge is an iconic symbol of Avignon. Originally built in the 12th century, it now stands partially destroyed and attracts tourists with its historical significance.
  • Mont Ventoux: A popular destination for cyclists and hikers, Mont Ventoux is a mountain in the Provence region. Its distinctive bald peak offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and is often referred to as the "Giant of Provence."
  • Le Jardin des Herbes: Located in the village of La Garde-Adhémar, this charming herb garden is filled with aromatic plants, exotic flowers, and beautiful landscapes. It is a peaceful place to relax and enjoy the scents and colors of nature.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: In Hauterives, you'll find this extraordinary structure built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval. It is an intricate mix of various architectural styles and is considered a masterpiece of naïve art. 10. Les Grottes de Saint-Marcel d'Ardèche: These limestone caves near the village of Bidon offer a fascinating underground experience. Guided tours take you through stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations, revealing the geological wonders hidden beneath the surface. Please note that distances and accessibility may vary, so it is advisable to check the specific details and opening hours of each attraction before planning your visit.

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