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Vergne Martine
8 Place Notre Dame


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Price per night:

price from €50





Description for B&B:

Located in the heart of the historic town, just a stone's throw away from the iconic Notre Dame church and the renowned music museum, the upper room can be found on the third floor of a charming small building. Accessible independently from your hostess's accommodation, this private sanctuary offers a spacious bedroom furnished with a comfortable king-sized bed, a bathroom complete with a refreshing shower and toilet, as well as a cozy living room equipped with a TV, wifi, and a convenient fridge.


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extra bed
Notes: Petits déjeuners inclus dans le prix de la chambre




  • Château de Montluçon: Located near 8 Place Notre Dame, the Château de Montluçon is a medieval fortress that offers visitors a glimpse into the history of the region. Explore the impressive architecture, visit the museum, and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the tower.
  • Église Notre-Dame: Situated in the heart of Montluçon, Église Notre-Dame is a beautiful Gothic-style church that dates back to the 12th century. Admire its intricate stained glass windows, ornate decorations, and attend a religious service if desired.
  • Wilson Gardens (Jardins Wilson): Just a short walk from Place Notre Dame, the Wilson Gardens provide a serene escape from the city. Stroll through the well-maintained flowerbeds, relax on a bench, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this urban park.
  • Museum of Popular Music (Musée de la Musique Populaire): For music enthusiasts, this museum is a must-visit. Learn about the rich musical heritage of Montluçon and the surrounding region through displays of instruments, recordings, and interactive exhibits.
  • Athanor Centre de Congrès: This modern convention center hosts various events, including conferences, exhibitions, and concerts. Check the schedule to see if there are any interesting events taking place during your visit.
  • Stade Louis-Darragon: Sports fans can catch a game or attend a sporting event at this local stadium. Whether it's soccer, rugby, or athletics, the stadium offers a lively atmosphere for sports enthusiasts.
  • Maison des Arts et des Traditions Populaires: Immerse yourself in the traditions and folk arts of the region at this cultural center. Discover local craftsmanship, traditional costumes, and learn about the customs and traditions of Montluçon and its surroundings.
  • Montluçon Forest (Forêt de Montluçon): Nature lovers can head to the nearby Montluçon Forest for a refreshing outdoor experience. Take a hike, have a picnic, or simply enjoy the peaceful surroundings of this picturesque forest.
  • Parc des Ilets: Situated on the banks of the Cher River, this park offers a range of recreational activities. Enjoy walking trails, playgrounds, and even rent a boat to explore the river. 10. Centre Aqualudique de Montluçon: Perfect for families, this aquatic center features swimming pools, water slides, and relaxation areas. Dive into the pools, enjoy water-based activities, or simply unwind in the spa facilities. These tourist attractions near 8 Place Notre Dame in Montluçon provide a variety of experiences, from cultural and historical sites to natural beauty and recreational activities.

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