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Katy Mestrallet
21 Chemin Du Setty


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Price per night:

price from €55



06 52 69 97 78


Description for B&B:

This charming bed and breakfast is nestled in a beautiful villa, boasting a refreshing pool and lush garden. Conveniently located near the village, it also offers a convenient parking lot for guests. The cozy rooms feature comfortable double beds, and all the necessary bedding and towels are thoughtfully provided.

As an added bonus, guests can indulge in the delightful experience of tasting over 15 exquisite varieties of house-made wines. Additionally, the on-site dining option ensures that guests can enjoy delicious meals without having to venture far from their comfortable accommodations.


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Take the Valence Sud exit on the A7 highway.

Head towards Portes-lès-Valence / Montelimar.

Continue following the directions towards Etoile-sur-Rhone.



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extra bed
Notes: Petit déjeûner compris


Swimming Pool


  • Valence: Located just 10 minutes away from Etoile-sur-Rhône, Valence is a charming city known for its historical sites, such as the Cathedral Saint-Apollinaire and the Maison des Têtes. Visitors can also enjoy strolling through the picturesque streets lined with shops, cafes, and restaurants.
  • Château de Crussol: Situated on a hill overlooking the Rhône Valley, the Château de Crussol is a medieval fortress offering panoramic views of the region. Visitors can explore the ruins, learn about the castle's history, and enjoy hiking trails in the surrounding area.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Located in Hauterives, about an hour's drive from Etoile-sur-Rhône, this unique structure is a masterpiece of outsider art. Built by a postman, Ferdinand Cheval, over a period of 33 years, the Palais Idéal is an extraordinary mix of various architectural styles and sculptures.
  • Pont d'Arc Cavern: Situated in the Ardèche region, the Pont d'Arc Cavern is a replica of the Chauvet Cave, which houses some of the oldest known cave paintings in the world. Visitors can explore the recreated cave and learn about prehistoric art through guided tours.
  • Musée de la Chaussure: Located in Romans-sur-Isère, just a short distance from Etoile-sur-Rhône, this museum showcases the history and craftsmanship of shoe-making in the region. Visitors can admire a vast collection of shoes, from ancient to contemporary designs, and learn about the local footwear industry.
  • Jardin Zen d'Erik Borja: Situated in Montvendre, this tranquil Japanese-inspired garden offers a serene escape. Visitors can stroll through carefully designed landscapes, featuring Zen gardens, water features, and bonsai trees, while enjoying the peaceful ambiance.
  • Le Train de l'Ardèche: A scenic steam train ride through the picturesque Ardèche countryside is a delightful way to explore the region. Departing from Tournon-sur-Rhône, visitors can enjoy the nostalgic charm of the vintage train and breathtaking views along the route.
  • Musée International de la Chaussure: Located in Romans-sur-Isère, this international shoe museum offers a comprehensive collection of footwear from around the world. With exhibits spanning various cultures and historical periods, visitors can delve into the fascinating evolution of footwear.
  • Grotte de la Madeleine: Situated in Saint-Remèze, this cave is renowned for its stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations. Guided tours take visitors through the underground chambers, revealing the geological wonders that have formed over thousands of years. 10. Le Palais du Facteur Cheval: Another masterpiece created by Ferdinand Cheval, this palace is located in Hauterives. Built entirely by hand, this architectural marvel showcases intricate stone structures and sculptures, reflecting the postman's vivid imagination. These attractions offer a wide range of experiences, from historical sites and museums to natural wonders and artistic endeavors, allowing visitors near Etoile-sur-Rhône to explore the rich cultural and natural heritage of the region.

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