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Vignes Marie-claude
13- Impasse Pasteur
Salles D'aude


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Price per week:

price from €260





Description for B&B:

Situated adjacent to a charming public garden, this easily identifiable yellow house adorned with delightful purple shutters offers a tranquil retreat. The 20 m2 flowering terrace, located in front of the house, invites you to unwind and enjoy moments of relaxation. For a minimum duration of one week, I am delighted to offer rental accommodations. Should you desire, my kitchen is at your disposal. As a nurse, I will be primarily occupied with work, ensuring your privacy and serenity. Furthermore, please note that I am fluent in both French and English.


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The closest town, Narbonne, is located 15 kilometers away. Depart from Narbonne by exiting the driveway and continue following the signs towards Béziers until you reach Coursan. From there, proceed in the direction of Salles d'Aude. If you are looking for the nearest airport, it can be found in Montpellier. Additionally, Toulouse is approximately a two and a half hour drive away.



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extra bed
Notes: Il est possible d'installer un matelas par terre dans la chambre pour un enfant.




  • Narbonne (6.8 km from Salles D'aude) - Located on the banks of the Robine Canal, Narbonne is a historic city known for its Roman heritage. Attractions include the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, the archaeological museum, and the picturesque Canal de la Robine.
  • Gruissan (9.8 km from Salles D'aude) - A charming coastal town, Gruissan is famous for its medieval castle that offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. Visitors can explore the quaint old town, relax on the sandy beaches, or indulge in water sports activities.
  • Les Cabanes de Fleury (11 km from Salles D'aude) - This unique village is known for its traditional thatched-roof huts called "cabanes." It offers a glimpse into the traditional fishing culture of the region and provides picturesque views of the surrounding lagoons.
  • Béziers (17.5 km from Salles D'aude) - Situated on the banks of the River Orb, Béziers is a historic city known for its Roman architecture and the iconic Saint-Nazaire Cathedral. The city also offers a vibrant atmosphere with its lively squares, charming streets, and a wide range of shops and restaurants.
  • Abbey of Fontfroide (20.5 km from Salles D'aude) - A stunning Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century, Fontfroide is nestled in a picturesque valley. Visitors can explore the well-preserved abbey, its beautiful gardens, and enjoy guided tours that provide insights into its rich history.
  • Canal du Midi (22 km from Salles D'aude) - A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Canal du Midi is a historic waterway that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can enjoy boat trips, cycling along its towpaths, or simply relax and admire the scenic beauty of the canal.
  • Carcassonne (60 km from Salles D'aude) - One of France's most iconic attractions, Carcassonne is a medieval fortress city that attracts millions of visitors each year. The well-preserved walls, picturesque cobblestone streets, and the impressive Château Comtal make for a truly enchanting experience.
  • Minerve (60 km from Salles D'aude) - Situated in the dramatic gorges of the Cesse and Brian rivers, Minerve is a fortified village with a rich history. Visitors can explore the ancient ruins, wander through the narrow streets, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Sigean African Reserve (26 km from Salles D'aude) - Located near the coast, this wildlife reserve is home to over 3,800 animals, including lions, rhinos, giraffes, and elephants. Visitors can drive through the reserve or take a guided safari tour to observe these magnificent creatures up close. 10. Leucate (26 km from Salles D'aude) - A popular seaside resort town, Leucate offers beautiful sandy beaches, clear waters, and a range of water sports activities. It's an ideal spot for sunbathing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll along the coast.

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