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Brigitte Le Bolay
105, Levée De La Divatte
Saint Julien De Concelles


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price from €60





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  • Château des Ducs de Bretagne (Castle of the Dukes of Brittany): Located in Nantes, this magnificent castle showcases the history and culture of the region. Explore the medieval fortifications, visit the museum, and enjoy the beautiful gardens surrounding the castle.
  • Machines of the Isle of Nantes: A unique and imaginative attraction in Nantes, this is a blend of art, engineering, and fantasy. Marvel at the giant mechanical creatures, take a ride on the famous Great Elephant, and immerse yourself in this whimsical world.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Nantes (Botanical Garden of Nantes): A tranquil oasis in the heart of Nantes, this botanical garden offers a variety of beautifully landscaped areas, including a rose garden, a Japanese garden, and tropical greenhouses. Enjoy a leisurely stroll and discover a wide range of plant species.
  • Château de Clisson: Located in the town of Clisson, this medieval castle is an architectural gem. Admire its imposing towers, picturesque moat, and visit the museum inside to learn about the history of the castle and the region.
  • Musée d'Arts de Nantes (Nantes Museum of Arts): Housed in a stunning 19th-century building, this art museum showcases an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. From classic masterpieces to contemporary works, the museum offers a diverse range of artistic styles.
  • Domaine du Grand Blottereau: Situated in Nantes, this historic park is perfect for a relaxing day outdoors. Explore the beautiful gardens, admire the exotic plants, or simply enjoy a picnic surrounded by nature.
  • Planète Sauvage: Located near Port-Saint-Père, this wildlife park offers a unique safari experience. Take a guided tour through the park and observe various species of animals in their natural habitat, including lions, elephants, giraffes, and more.
  • Musée Jules Verne: Dedicated to the famous French writer Jules Verne, this museum in Nantes provides a fascinating insight into his life and works. Discover his literary achievements and explore interactive exhibitions that bring his stories to life.
  • Parc de la Gaudinière: Situated in Carquefou, this expansive park is perfect for outdoor activities. Enjoy a walk or bike ride along the trails, have a picnic by the lake, or engage in various sports such as tennis or football. 10. Musée Dobrée: Located in Nantes, this museum houses a diverse collection of archaeological artifacts, decorative arts, and medieval treasures. Explore the exhibits and delve into the rich history and heritage of the Loire-Atlantique region.