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Contact Details:


Isabelle Et Claude Maudelonde
45, Rue De La Correspondance - La Gare
Saint-hilaire Du Rosier


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Price per night:

price from €85





Description for B&B:

We have five spacious rooms on the first floor, ranging from 25 to 30m2, for our guests to enjoy. The beds in each room can be prepared as either a double bed or twin beds, with dimensions of 100x200. We provide all the necessary linen, including sheets, pillowcases, and towels, as well as bathroom essentials such as shower gel, shampoo, and a hair dryer.

Our guests will have access to several amenities, including a beautiful outdoor terrace spanning approximately 200m2. This terrace features a fireplace, perfect for grilling, and is surrounded by plane and linden trees, providing a shaded area for meals and barbecues.

Within our property, there is also a pool measuring 10 x 6m, accompanied by a pool-house. The pool area is enclosed by a fenced terrace of 300m2, ensuring privacy and security.

For those who have a passion for the opera world, we have special offerings. Musicians will find a half-tail piano by Erard, as well as an upright piano in walnut by Seiler. Additionally, we have a library filled with scores, CDs, and DVDs, providing a collection of entertainment for our guests to enjoy.


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To reach Maison BelCanto from Marseille Valence via the A49 motorway, take Exit 9 at Pont-en-Royans. Proceed by crossing St Marcellin and entering St Hilaire du Rosier. Follow the signs that direct you to "Maison BelCanto."

If you prefer to travel by train, the TGV train station of Saint-Hilaire - Saint-Nazaire is conveniently located just a two-minute walk from the house. Trains (TER) from Grenoble St Hilaire (40 min) and Valence TGV (20 min) run every hour.

For those arriving by plane, the nearest airport is Grenoble-Saint-Geoirs, which is approximately 35 km away from Maison BelCanto.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 85 95 420 420 25


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Vercors Regional Natural Park: Located just a short distance from Saint-Hilaire du Rosier, the Vercors Regional Natural Park offers stunning natural beauty with its rugged limestone cliffs, deep gorges, and dense forests. It is a perfect destination for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting.
  • Château de Sassenage: Situated in Sassenage, approximately 25 kilometers from Saint-Hilaire du Rosier, this magnificent castle dates back to the 17th century. Visitors can explore the beautifully landscaped gardens and tour the interior, which showcases exquisite furniture, artwork, and historical artifacts.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Located in Hauterives, around 40 kilometers from Saint-Hilaire du Rosier, this unique monument was built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval. Over the course of 33 years, Cheval collected stones and pebbles during his postal rounds to construct an extraordinary palace adorned with sculptures and intricate details.
  • Musée de Grenoble: Situated in Grenoble, about 35 kilometers away from Saint-Hilaire du Rosier, this renowned art museum houses an extensive collection of artwork spanning from the Middle Ages to the present day. Visitors can admire significant works by artists such as Picasso, Monet, and Matisse, among others.
  • Les Grottes de Choranche: Located near Pont-en-Royans, approximately 35 kilometers from Saint-Hilaire du Rosier, these stunning limestone caves are a geological wonder. Visitors can take guided tours to discover the impressive stalactite formations and learn about the cave's rich history.
  • Musée de l'Ancien Évêché: Situated in Grenoble, around 35 kilometers away, this museum is housed in a former bishop's palace and offers a captivating journey through the region's history and culture. It features exhibits on archaeology, fine arts, and decorative arts, providing insight into the heritage of Grenoble and its surroundings.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors: Spanning a large area around Saint-Hilaire du Rosier, this regional park offers an abundance of outdoor activities and breathtaking landscapes. Visitors can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, skiing, and observing the diverse flora and fauna that call the park home.
  • Musée de l'Eau: Located in Pont-en-Royans, approximately 30 kilometers away, this museum focuses on the importance of water and its role in the region's history. Through interactive exhibits and displays, visitors can learn about the local hydroelectric industry, traditional watermills, and the ecological challenges facing water resources.
  • Jardin des Fontaines Pétrifiantes: Situated in La Sône, around 25 kilometers from Saint-Hilaire du Rosier, this unique garden showcases the fascinating process of petrification. Visitors can witness the transformation of plants into stone as mineral-rich waters flow over them, creating stunning natural sculptures. 10. Musée de la Révolution Française: Located in Vizille, approximately 45 kilometers away, this museum is housed in a former castle and focuses on the French Revolution. It offers a comprehensive collection of artifacts, paintings, and documents that shed light on this pivotal period in French history. Please note that the distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the route taken.

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