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Catherine Le Rousic
6 Chemin De Chambernoux
Les Bordes - La Celle Les Bordes


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Description for B&B:

There is a spacious area on the ground floor where guests can enjoy their breakfast and also have the option to heat up food for dinner.


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"The Comforter in the Woods" is situated at the outskirts of the village of Bordes, towards Bullion. It is conveniently positioned at the edge of the forest, just 27 km away from Versailles, 13 km from Rambouillet, and 10 km from Chevreuse.




  • Château de Versailles: Located in the nearby town of Versailles, this iconic palace is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most famous tourist attractions in France. It showcases the opulent lifestyle of French royalty and features stunning gardens, the Hall of Mirrors, and the Grand Trianon.
  • The Palace of Fontainebleau: Situated in Fontainebleau, this magnificent palace is another UNESCO World Heritage site. It was a favorite residence of French monarchs and boasts impressive Renaissance and classical architecture. Visitors can explore the palace's opulent rooms, gardens, and the historic forest surrounding it.
  • Musée de la Toile de Jouy: Located in Jouy-en-Josas, this museum is dedicated to the art of toile de Jouy, a famous type of printed fabric. It showcases the history, production techniques, and various designs of toile de Jouy. Visitors can admire the intricate patterns and learn about its role in French textile history.
  • France Miniature: Located in Élancourt, this theme park offers a unique experience by showcasing a miniature representation of France. Visitors can explore scaled-down models of iconic French landmarks, cities, and landscapes. It's a fun way to discover the country's diverse regions and cultural heritage in a single visit.
  • Rambouillet Forest: Situated near the town of Rambouillet, this vast forest is a perfect destination for nature lovers. It offers countless walking and hiking trails, picturesque lakes, and abundant wildlife. Visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as biking, horseback riding, or simply relaxing amidst the tranquil surroundings.
  • Parc de Thoiry: Located in Thoiry, this wildlife park combines a traditional zoo with a drive-through safari experience. Visitors can observe a wide range of animals, including giraffes, lions, zebras, and elephants, in their natural habitats. The park also features beautiful gardens, a maze, and a 16th-century château.
  • La Roche-Guyon: Situated in the village of La Roche-Guyon, this charming historic site offers a picturesque castle built into a limestone cliff overlooking the Seine River. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, stroll through the lovely gardens, and admire the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Château de Breteuil: Located in Choisel, this elegant castle is known for its beautifully preserved furnishings and extensive collection of historic artifacts. It offers guided tours that provide insights into the castle's rich history and the notable figures who lived there. The castle is also surrounded by lovely gardens and a large park. These attractions near 6 Chemin De Chambernoux, Les Bordes - La Celle Les Bordes, 78720, France, offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring magnificent palaces and museums to enjoying nature and wildlife encounters.

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