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Mitzi Parmentier
Beauregard, Bajou


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Price per night:

price from €122



Description for B&B:

You will access the loggia through the old doors, which serves as the entrance to both gîtes. The ground floor consists of an open plan living and dining area with a fitted kitchen, complete with a dishwasher and microwave. Even from the lower level, you will enjoy stunning views of the surrounding hills and Pyrenees. Moving up to the first floor, each gîte offers two bedrooms, each with its own shower room featuring a shower cubicle, washbasin, and toilet.

We are pleased to announce the completion of the first two south facing ground floor bedrooms. These rooms are spacious, measuring approximately 25m2, and filled with natural light. They are equipped with a walk-in shower, washstand, and separate toilet for your convenience.


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To reach us, begin on the D919 (Main road Toulouse - Foix) between Artigat and Le Fossat. Look for the D 27a, which leads towards St Martin DOydes. Follow this road until you reach the church of Bajou. At the church, make a right turn onto the road and continue for approximately 1.5 km. You will find us on the right side of the road.




  • Château de Beauregard: Located in the village of Beauregard, this beautiful castle dates back to the 16th century and offers visitors a glimpse into the region's rich history and architectural heritage. Explore its well-preserved interiors, picturesque gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Saint-Lizier Cathedral: Just a short drive from Beauregard, in the town of Saint-Lizier, you'll find this stunning Romanesque cathedral. Admire its intricate carvings, impressive bell tower, and step inside to discover its beautifully decorated interior, including a remarkable cloister.
  • Niaux Cave: Situated near the village of Bajou, Niaux Cave is a prehistoric site renowned for its ancient cave paintings. Embark on a guided tour to witness the breathtaking artwork created by our ancestors over 14,000 years ago, depicting animals and human figures.
  • Maison des Patrimoines: Located in the nearby village of Artigat, this cultural center offers an immersive experience into the heritage of the region. Learn about the traditions, crafts, and history of the area through interactive exhibits, workshops, and events.
  • Foix Castle: A short distance away in the town of Foix, you'll find this majestic medieval castle perched on a hilltop. Explore its fortified walls, towers, and courtyards, and delve into its past through the museum housed inside, which showcases medieval artifacts and exhibits.
  • Montségur Castle: Situated on a rocky hilltop near Artigat, Montségur Castle holds great historical significance as a former Cathar stronghold. Hike up to the ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding Pyrenees while reflecting on the castle's dramatic past.
  • Pyrénées Ariégeoises Regional Nature Park: For outdoor enthusiasts, this natural park offers a range of activities and stunning landscapes. From hiking trails to mountain biking, skiing, and wildlife spotting, immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of the Pyrenees Mountains.
  • Lac de Mondely: Located near Artigat, this picturesque lake is perfect for a leisurely picnic or a refreshing swim on a hot day. Enjoy the tranquil surroundings, rent a paddleboat, or simply relax by the water's edge.
  • Le Mas-d'Azil Cave: Situated a short drive from Beauregard, this cave is known for its unique geological features and archaeological importance. Explore its vast underground galleries, marvel at the impressive cave entrance, and learn about the ancient civilizations that once inhabited the area. 10. Parc de la Préhistoire de Tarascon-sur-Ariège: Located in Tarascon-sur-Ariège, this prehistoric park offers a fascinating journey through time. Discover life-sized reconstructions of prehistoric animals, visit interactive exhibits, and learn about the region's rich prehistoric heritage. These attractions near Beauregard, Bajou, Artigat, France, offer a combination of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring an enriching visit to the region.

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