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Fievez Philippe
10 Puech Bas
Sansac De Marmiesse


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  • Puy Mary: Located in the heart of the Cantal Mountains, Puy Mary is a volcanic peak offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. It is a popular spot for hiking, photography, and nature lovers.
  • Château de Val: Situated near Bort-les-Orgues, the Château de Val is a medieval fortress built on a volcanic rock overlooking the Dordogne River. It features stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and hosts exhibitions on local history and culture.
  • Salers: A picturesque village in the heart of the Auvergne region, Salers is known for its well-preserved medieval buildings and charming atmosphere. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, visit the historic church, and try the local Salers cheese.
  • Viaduc de Garabit: Designed by the famous engineer Gustave Eiffel, the Viaduc de Garabit is an impressive railway bridge spanning the Truyère River. It is an architectural marvel and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Le Lioran: A popular ski resort located in the Cantal Mountains, Le Lioran offers a range of winter sports activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. During the summer, it is also a great destination for hiking and enjoying the scenic beauty of the area.
  • Le Puy-en-Velay: Situated on a volcanic plug, Le Puy-en-Velay is a historic town known for its unique architecture, including the Notre-Dame du Puy Cathedral and the Statue of Notre-Dame de France. It is also the starting point of the famous pilgrimage route, the Way of St. James.
  • Lac de Saint-Étienne-Cantalès: This large reservoir lake is located near Aurillac and offers various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. The surrounding area is perfect for picnics, hiking, and enjoying the tranquility of nature.
  • Les Orgues de Bort: A natural geological site near Bort-les-Orgues, Les Orgues de Bort features impressive basalt columns resembling organ pipes. It is a unique and fascinating sight for geology enthusiasts and nature lovers.
  • Château d'Anjony: This medieval fortress, located near Tournemire, is a well-preserved example of feudal architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire the fortified walls, and learn about its rich history. 10. Vulcania: Although slightly further away, Vulcania is a popular theme park dedicated to the fascinating world of volcanoes. Located in Saint-Ours-les-Roches, it offers interactive exhibits, thrilling rides, and educational experiences about volcanic activity.