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Veuillet Bruno
Place De La Recluse


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Price per night:

price from €90



Description for B&B:

At Tulipe Sauvage, you will discover a delightful retreat offering five charming rooms, each complete with its own private bathroom and toilet. Immerse yourself in tranquility as you unwind amidst the serene garden, conveniently located near the refreshing swimming pool. Should you desire, Bruno and Françoise will gladly prepare and serve you authentic Provençal delicacies, allowing you to savor the true flavors of the region.


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If you are coming from the south, follow the route through Montelimar sud, Dieulefit, and Bourdeaux.

If you are coming from the north, take the Valence sud exit, then continue through Crest and Bourdeaux.



Swimming Pool


  • Château de Boulogne-sur-Gesse: Located approximately 7 kilometers from Bourdeaux, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the area's rich history. Visitors can explore its well-preserved towers, courtyards, and gardens.
  • Château de Montaigut: Situated about 12 kilometers northwest of Bourdeaux, this imposing fortress dates back to the 13th century. It boasts stunning panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and houses a museum showcasing medieval artifacts.
  • Cirque de Navacelles: Roughly 35 kilometers from Bourdeaux, this UNESCO World Heritage site is a breathtaking natural wonder. It features a dramatic canyon with a picturesque village at its heart, offering fantastic hiking opportunities and stunning vistas.
  • Lac du Laouzas: Located approximately 30 kilometers southeast of Bourdeaux, this scenic lake is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing, sailing, and picnicking in the beautiful surroundings.
  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: Situated around 40 kilometers southwest of Bourdeaux, this village is famed for its production of Roquefort cheese. Visitors can take guided tours of the underground caves where the cheese is aged and explore the charming streets lined with cheese shops.
  • Viaduc de Millau: Although a bit further away at around 80 kilometers from Bourdeaux, this iconic bridge is worth a visit. As the tallest cable-stayed bridge in the world, it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: Located about 60 kilometers southeast of Bourdeaux, this medieval village is often considered one of the most beautiful in France. Its narrow streets, ancient buildings, and the nearby Gorges de l'Hérault make it a popular destination for history and nature lovers alike.
  • Albi: Situated approximately 90 kilometers northeast of Bourdeaux, Albi is known for its stunning red-brick cathedral, Sainte-Cécile, and the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum, showcasing the works of the famous painter. These attractions offer a range of historical, natural, and cultural experiences within a relatively short distance from Place De La Recluse in Bourdeaux, France.

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