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4, Le Bois


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Description for B&B:

This bedroom features a comfortable bed measuring 140 cm*180 cm, along with a convenient shower. Additionally, guests can enjoy a delicious continental breakfast.


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  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located just 10 kilometers away, Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most famous tourist attractions in France. This stunning medieval abbey sits atop a rocky island and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding bay.
  • Avranches: Situated approximately 16 kilometers from Le Bois, Avranches is a charming town known for its historical significance. Visit the Jardin des Plantes, a beautiful public garden, or explore the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, which houses a collection of art and artifacts from the region.
  • Château de Fougères: About 50 kilometers from Le Bois, the Château de Fougères is the largest medieval fortress in Europe. Explore the well-preserved towers, walls, and courtyard, and learn about the castle's rich history through interactive exhibits.
  • Granville: Located approximately 33 kilometers away, Granville is a coastal town known for its picturesque beaches and lively atmosphere. Enjoy a stroll along the promenade, visit the Musée Christian Dior, or explore the historic old town with its narrow streets and charming shops.
  • Saint-Malo: Situated about 70 kilometers from Le Bois, Saint-Malo is a fortified city renowned for its rich maritime history. Take a walk along the impressive city walls, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, or relax on one of the beautiful sandy beaches.
  • Bayeux: Approximately 120 kilometers away, Bayeux is famous for its remarkable tapestry, the Bayeux Tapestry, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England. Explore the picturesque old town, visit the Bayeux Cathedral, and enjoy the local cuisine.
  • D-Day Landing Beaches: Located around 140 kilometers from Le Bois, the D-Day Landing Beaches are a significant historical site. Visit Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, and other landing sites to learn about the Allied invasion during World War II and pay tribute to the soldiers who fought there.
  • Caen: Situated approximately 125 kilometers away, Caen is a vibrant city with a rich medieval heritage. Explore the magnificent Caen Castle, visit the Memorial de Caen museum to learn about World War II history, or wander through the charming streets of the old town. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, all within a reasonable distance from Le Bois in Bacilly, France.

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