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Sylvain Lanfroy
5 Petite Rue De L'église
Saint Amand Sur Fion


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Price per night:

price from €64





Description for B&B:

This charming description is a rewrite of the original text:

Discover a captivating vintage Champagne farmhouse nestled in the heart of a renowned village celebrated for its architecturally unique houses and remarkable church, showcasing the area's rich heritage.


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Take the RN44 road which connects Vitry le Francois and Chalons en Champagne.



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Notes: petit déjeuner inclus




  • Chalons-en-Champagne (6.5 km): A charming town known for its historic architecture, Chalons-en-Champagne offers visitors a chance to explore beautiful churches, museums, and the stunning Notre-Dame-en-Vaux. Don't miss the annual Furies Festival, a lively street theater event.
  • Champagne Cellars (8 km): Located in the heart of the Champagne region, this attraction offers guided tours of famous champagne cellars. Learn about the production process, taste different varieties, and discover the rich history of this renowned sparkling wine.
  • Basilique Saint-Remi (40 km): A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Basilique Saint-Remi is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. Inside, visitors can admire the beautiful stained glass windows and explore the tomb of Saint Remi, the patron saint of the city.
  • Reims Cathedral (42 km): Known as Notre-Dame de Reims, this grand cathedral is another UNESCO World Heritage site. With its intricate facade and stunning stained glass windows, it is a masterpiece of Gothic art. Take a guided tour to learn about its fascinating history.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de la Montagne de Reims (45 km): Nature lovers will enjoy exploring this regional park, characterized by picturesque landscapes and diverse wildlife. Hike along the trails, take in the panoramic views, and discover the beauty of the Champagne region's countryside.
  • The Champagne Route (50 km): Embark on a scenic drive along the famous Champagne Route, which winds through vineyards, charming villages, and renowned champagne producers. Stop at local wineries for tastings and learn about the art of champagne making.
  • Epernay (55 km): Known as the "Capital of Champagne," Epernay is home to some of the most prestigious champagne houses. Explore the Avenue de Champagne, visit the famous Moët & Chandon cellars, and indulge in champagne tastings.
  • Lac du Der-Chantecoq (60 km): This vast man-made lake is a haven for nature enthusiasts. It offers opportunities for birdwatching, sailing, fishing, and cycling. During migration seasons, it becomes a temporary home to thousands of cranes and other bird species.
  • Troyes (70 km): A medieval town with a rich heritage, Troyes is known for its well-preserved half-timbered houses and narrow, winding streets. Visit the Troyes Cathedral, explore the museums, and wander around the charming Old Town. 10. Verdun (90 km): A historically significant city, Verdun was the site of one of the most important battles of World War I. Visit the Douaumont Ossuary and the Fort de Douaumont to learn about the history and pay tribute to the fallen soldiers.

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