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26 Rue Séraphin


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price from €209



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  • Place de la Bourse: Located just a short distance from Rue Séraphin, Place de la Bourse is a grand square and one of Bordeaux's most iconic landmarks. It features the stunning Water Mirror, a large reflecting pool, making it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.
  • La Cité du Vin: A unique cultural center dedicated to the world of wine, La Cité du Vin offers an immersive experience showcasing the history, culture, and diversity of wine from around the globe. Visitors can enjoy interactive exhibits, wine tastings, and panoramic views from the rooftop.
  • Bordeaux Cathedral: Situated in the heart of the city, Bordeaux Cathedral, also known as Cathédrale Saint-André, is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. The cathedral's stunning stained glass windows and intricate sculptures make it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Musée d'Aquitaine: Founded in 1796, the Musée d'Aquitaine is one of the oldest museums in France. It houses an extensive collection of archaeological artifacts, historical objects, and art pieces, providing insights into the history, culture, and heritage of the Aquitaine region.
  • Jardin Public: A peaceful oasis in the city center, Jardin Public is a beautifully landscaped park that offers a tranquil retreat from the bustling streets of Bordeaux. It features a charming pond, a rose garden, and a children's playground, making it an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic.
  • Pont de Pierre: Spanning the Garonne River, Pont de Pierre is a picturesque bridge that connects the two banks of Bordeaux. Built in the early 19th century, it offers panoramic views of the city's waterfront and is a popular spot for photographers and walkers.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux: Housed in a neoclassical building, the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux is home to an impressive collection of European paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. From Renaissance masterpieces to contemporary works, the museum offers a diverse art experience.
  • CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain: Located in a former warehouse, the CAPC Contemporary Art Museum showcases a wide range of contemporary art exhibitions, installations, and performances. It is known for its innovative and thought-provoking displays, attracting art enthusiasts from all over.
  • Bordeaux Wine Tours: As Bordeaux is renowned for its wine, taking a wine tour is a must-do activity for many visitors. Numerous tour companies offer guided visits to nearby vineyards and châteaux, providing opportunities to learn about winemaking techniques and indulge in wine tastings. 10. Palais Rohan: Situated on the Place Pey-Berland, Palais Rohan is a magnificent 18th-century palace that now houses the Bordeaux City Hall. Its stunning façade and elegant interiors make it a noteworthy architectural gem worth admiring during a visit to the city.

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