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Beatrice Tibaut
15 Route De Marseillan


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €48



Description for B&B:

This property, known as Mas Languedocien, is situated on a spacious 4000m2 plot of land. It offers a delightful swimming pool and a playground for your enjoyment. Additionally, the property boasts private parking for your convenience.


Appréciations pour L'hostalet, Agde:

Un accueil très chaleureux!
Review by: Christophe et Violaine, Mai 17 2011 9:38AM
Nous avons passé un très agréable week end dans ce mas plein de charme, au calme, tout au bord de l'hérault.

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Take the Agde Agde exit on the highway, which is 10 kilometers away. From there, follow the signs directing you towards the city center of Marseillan. After passing the level crossing, take the fourth left turn.




  • Agde Cathedral: Located in the heart of Agde, this impressive Romanesque cathedral dates back to the 12th century. It features stunning architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Cap d'Agde: A popular seaside resort town, Cap d'Agde offers beautiful sandy beaches, a marina, water sports, and a vibrant nightlife. It's an ideal destination for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying various recreational activities.
  • Fort Brescou: Situated on an island just off the coast of Cap d'Agde, Fort Brescou is a 16th-century fortress with a fascinating history. Visitors can explore the fort's dungeons, admire the panoramic views, and learn about its role in defending the region.
  • Aqualand Cap d'Agde: Perfect for families and thrill-seekers, Aqualand is a large water park with numerous slides, pools, and attractions. It offers a fun-filled day of water-based entertainment and is an excellent way to beat the summer heat.
  • Musee de l'Ephèbe: Located in Cap d'Agde, this museum is dedicated to the history and archaeology of the region. It houses a remarkable collection of ancient artifacts, including the famous bronze statue of the Youth of Agde (Ephèbe), dating back to the 5th century BC.
  • Rochelongue Beach: Situated in the eastern part of Cap d'Agde, Rochelongue Beach is known for its clean sands and crystal-clear waters. It offers a more relaxed and family-friendly atmosphere compared to other beaches in the area.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Canal du Midi is a historic waterway that stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can take boat trips, cycle along the towpaths, or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll by the canal.
  • Pézenas: Located a short drive from Agde, Pézenas is a charming medieval town famous for its well-preserved architecture and rich cultural heritage. Explore the narrow streets lined with artisan shops, visit the birthplace of playwright Molière, and soak in the town's vibrant atmosphere.
  • Marseillan: Just a stone's throw away from Agde, Marseillan is a picturesque fishing village nestled on the shores of the Étang de Thau. Discover its charming harbor, historic buildings, and enjoy fresh seafood in one of the local restaurants. 10. Abbaye de Valmagne: Located near the town of Villeveyrac, the Abbaye de Valmagne is a former Benedictine monastery dating back to the 12th century. It boasts magnificent Gothic architecture, beautiful gardens, and a renowned winery producing organic wines. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical landmarks and natural beauty to water-based activities and cultural exploration.

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