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Bellavia Giovanni
Chemin De La Petite Fontaine
Cabrières D'aigues


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Price per night:

price from €95



Description for B&B:

There are two rooms, each equipped with a television set. One of the rooms has its own shower. There is a water bridge that connects to a bathroom with toilets. The kitchen includes a refrigerator/freezer, a stovetop, a microwave, and a table with six chairs.


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  • Château de la Tour d'Aigues: Situated in the nearby town of La Tour d'Aigues, this 17th-century castle is surrounded by lush gardens and offers a glimpse into the region's history. Take a guided tour to explore its opulent interiors and learn about its architectural significance.
  • Gorges du Régalon: Nature enthusiasts will appreciate this stunning natural site located in Mérindol. Hike along the scenic trails, admire the limestone cliffs, and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding pine forests. 10. Aix-en-Provence: While not in the immediate vicinity, Aix-en-Provence is worth a visit. Known for its elegant streets, historic sites, and vibrant arts scene, this city offers a blend of cultural attractions, museums, and charming cafés. Don't miss the Cours Mirabeau, the Musée Granet, and the beautiful Saint-Sauveur Cathedral.

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