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Jacqueline Blackwell
3 Rue De Kerbarbe


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Description for B&B:

We offer a comfortable stay with various accommodation options. Our first bedroom features a spacious queen size bed, along with an attached ensuite shower and WC for your convenience. Additionally, we have another double bedroom with a private bathroom, ideal for those seeking extra privacy. For families or friends traveling together, we also provide the option of a second double room. Rest assured, we offer private parking facilities and you are welcome to utilize our lounge and garden areas during your stay.


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To reach Kernascleden, you need to follow the D782 road for approximately 11 kilometers from Guemene-sur-Scorff. As you approach the village, make sure to keep the church on your left side. Once in the village, continue towards Guemene and take the very last small road on the left, known as rue de Kerbarbe, just as you exit the village. Look out for our house, number 3, which is the last one on the right side and may be slightly concealed by the surrounding trees.




  • Josselin Castle: Located in the nearby town of Josselin, this medieval castle is a must-visit attraction. Explore its stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and the striking view of the Nantes-Brest Canal.
  • Carnac Stones: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, the Carnac Stones are an ancient collection of megalithic sites. Marvel at the rows of standing stones, which date back to prehistoric times, and explore the nearby museum to learn more about their history.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Situated on the southern coast of Brittany, the Quiberon Peninsula offers breathtaking beaches, stunning cliffs, and charming seaside towns. Enjoy water sports, relax on the sandy shores, or take a boat trip to nearby islands such as Belle-Île-en-Mer.
  • La Gacilly: Situated along the banks of the River Aff, La Gacilly is a picturesque village renowned for its annual photography festival. Stroll through its narrow streets, admire the floral displays, and visit the Yves Rocher Botanical Garden.
  • Vannes: Located approximately 50 kilometers away, Vannes is a historic town with well-preserved medieval fortifications. Explore the charming old town, visit the impressive Vannes Cathedral, and take a boat trip along the Gulf of Morbihan.
  • Pontivy: Situated on the Nantes-Brest Canal, Pontivy is a beautiful town with a rich history. Visit the Pontivy Castle, stroll along the canal's towpath, and explore the vibrant market square.
  • Rochefort-en-Terre: This enchanting village, located around 50 kilometers away, is known for its cobbled streets, half-timbered houses, and flower displays. Discover its charming shops, art galleries, and the stunning Château de Rochefort-en-Terre.
  • Locronan: Situated approximately 70 kilometers away, Locronan is a well-preserved medieval village with cobblestone streets and historic buildings. Wander through its picturesque squares, visit the Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Voyage church, and admire its traditional Breton architecture.
  • Sainte-Anne-d'Auray: This important pilgrimage site is located around 60 kilometers away. Visit the Basilica of Saint Anne of Auray, the largest pilgrimage site in Brittany, and learn about its religious significance. 10. Poul-Fétan: Step back in time at Poul-Fétan, a reconstructed Breton village located approximately 20 kilometers away. Experience traditional rural life, learn about local crafts, and enjoy workshops and demonstrations. These attractions offer a variety of experiences, from historical landmarks and natural beauty to charming villages and cultural sites.

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