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Veronique Thurneyssen
4 Hameau De Vermeille


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Description for B&B:

Vermeille offers a total of 4 bedrooms, with 3 of them featuring ensuite bathrooms, while the fourth bedroom has a separate bathroom. Each of the 3 bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms can comfortably accommodate up to 3 persons.


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We are conveniently located near the Mirepoix-Pamiers axis, only 6 km from Mirepoix and 16 km from Pamiers. If you require detailed directions, please feel free to ask.




  • Carcassonne Citadel: Located in the nearby city of Carcassonne, the Carcassonne Citadel is a medieval fortress and UNESCO World Heritage site. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the well-preserved walls, towers, and narrow streets of a historic castle.
  • Canal du Midi: This iconic canal stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea and passes through the region near Tourtrol. Visitors can enjoy scenic boat rides, cycling along the towpaths, or simply strolling along the water's edge.
  • Château de Foix: Situated in the town of Foix, this impressive medieval castle overlooks the Ariège River. It provides a glimpse into the region's rich history and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Grotte de Niaux: A remarkable prehistoric cave located near Tarascon-sur-Ariège, the Grotte de Niaux is known for its well-preserved cave paintings dating back thousands of years. Guided tours allow visitors to explore this fascinating underground world.
  • Montségur Castle: Perched on a rocky hilltop, Montségur Castle is a famous Cathar fortress near Montségur village. It played a significant role during the Cathar period and offers panoramic views of the Pyrenees Mountains.
  • Ax-les-Thermes: A charming spa town nestled in the Pyrenees, Ax-les-Thermes is known for its hot springs and wellness facilities. Visitors can relax in thermal baths, enjoy scenic hikes, or take a ride on the nearby Ax 3 Domaines ski resort.
  • Mirepoix: With its well-preserved medieval square and half-timbered houses, Mirepoix is a picturesque town worth visiting. It hosts a lively weekly market and is known for its beautiful cathedral, Maison des Consuls, and charming cafés.
  • Parc de la Préhistoire de Tarascon-sur-Ariège: Located in Tarascon-sur-Ariège, this prehistoric park showcases the life and culture of early humans through interactive exhibits, reconstructions, and demonstrations.
  • Lac de Montbel: A scenic lake situated near Léran, Lac de Montbel offers opportunities for water sports, fishing, hiking, and picnics. It's a perfect place to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the region. 10. Château de Puivert: This well-preserved Cathar castle, located near Puivert, offers a fascinating glimpse into medieval history. Visitors can explore the fortified walls, visit the museum, and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding countryside.