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Back Martine
Le Bourg
Carnac Rouffiac


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Price per night:

price from €80



Description for B&B:

Côté Granges offers three tastefully decorated guest rooms, each featuring a comfortable bed (160), whitewashed walls in soft colors, and its own bathroom with a spacious walk-in shower and private toilet. During breakfast, guests can enjoy our delectable homemade jams and cakes while we are available to assist in organizing their day. We provide comprehensive documentation to enhance your stay.

Additionally, on three evenings per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), we cordially invite you to join us at our table for a delightful dining experience. Our table d'hôte includes an aperitif with tapas, appetizer, main course, cheese, dessert, accompanied by wine and coffee or tea, all for a price of €24 (reservation required 24 hours in advance). As a wine enthusiast, your host can also arrange a captivating visit to a vineyard, followed by a tasting session, where you will be entranced by the renowned Cahors wine, also known as the "Black Wine"!

For us, providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere is a true way of life.


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To reach our location from Paris, please follow the signs towards Orleans and Toulouse. Take the second exit and enter Cahors Cahors, Agen. Continue following the signs towards the village of Sauzet. Once you pass through Sauzet, take a right onto the road leading to Carnac Rouffiac. Continue on this road for approximately two kilometers until you reach Carnac. Our destination is situated next to the City Hall.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 80 80 409 469 23
Notes: Taxes de séjour : 0,80€/nuit/pers.


Swimming Pool


  • Carnac Stones: Located just 3.5 km away from Le Bourg, the Carnac Stones are a must-visit tourist attraction. These ancient megalithic alignments consist of more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones, dating back to 4500-3300 BC. Visitors can explore the various alignments and gain insights into the region's rich history.
  • Musee de Prehistoire de Carnac: Situated approximately 4 km from Le Bourg, this museum is dedicated to showcasing the prehistoric heritage of the Carnac region. It houses an extensive collection of artifacts, including tools, pottery, and jewelry, providing visitors with a fascinating glimpse into the lives of early inhabitants.
  • Carnac Beach: Just a short drive of 5 km from Le Bourg, Carnac Beach is a beautiful sandy stretch along the Atlantic coast. With its clear waters and picturesque surroundings, it offers a perfect spot for relaxation and sunbathing. Visitors can also indulge in various water sports activities or take leisurely walks along the shore.
  • Locmariaquer Megaliths: Situated around 12 km from Le Bourg, the Locmariaquer Megaliths are another noteworthy attraction. This archaeological site features a dolmen, a tumulus, and a menhir, all of which date back to the Neolithic period. Exploring this site provides a deeper understanding of the region's ancient civilizations.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Located approximately 20 km away from Le Bourg, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning natural beauty. Visitors can enjoy scenic walks, bike rides, or even take a boat trip to explore the rugged coastline, sandy beaches, and charming villages in the area.
  • Hennebont: Situated about 25 km from Le Bourg, Hennebont is a historic town with a well-preserved medieval center. The town is famous for its impressive fortress, the Hennebont Citadel, which offers guided tours and exhibitions. Strolling through the charming streets and admiring the half-timbered houses is a delightful experience.
  • Pontivy: Located approximately 30 km from Le Bourg, Pontivy is another historical town worth visiting. Its notable attractions include the Château des Rohan, a magnificent castle with beautiful gardens, and the Notre-Dame-de-Joie Basilica, an impressive religious monument. Pontivy also offers a range of shops, cafes, and restaurants for visitors to enjoy.
  • Lac de Guerlédan: Situated around 40 km from Le Bourg, Lac de Guerlédan is the largest lake in Brittany. It offers a range of recreational activities, including boating, fishing, hiking, and picnicking. The lake's scenic surroundings and peaceful atmosphere make it an ideal spot for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. These attractions near Le Bourg, Carnac Rouffiac, offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring an enriching visit for tourists.

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