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Petite Turriere
Monetier Les Bains


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Description for B&B:

This spacious house, fully restored to its original charm, provides an ideal accommodation for up to 8 guests. With a large living room, generously sized bedrooms, and a picturesque mountain view, tranquility and beauty await you at this superbly located property.


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  • Serre Chevalier Ski Resort: Located in the heart of the French Alps, Serre Chevalier is a popular ski resort offering over 250 kilometers of ski slopes and a variety of winter sports activities. It is a perfect destination for skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts.
  • Les Grands Bains du Monêtier: This thermal spa complex offers a relaxing and rejuvenating experience with its natural hot springs. Enjoy the thermal baths, saunas, steam rooms, and various wellness treatments while surrounded by stunning Alpine scenery.
  • Ecrins National Park: Situated nearby, Ecrins National Park is a haven for nature lovers. It boasts breathtaking landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and numerous hiking trails. Explore the park's serene lakes, towering peaks, and pristine wilderness.
  • Briançon: As the highest town in France, Briançon is a historic fortified city known for its impressive military architecture. Explore its well-preserved Vauban fortifications, visit the numerous museums, and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the city walls.
  • La Grave: This small village is renowned for its off-piste ski terrain and challenging slopes. It attracts experienced skiers and mountaineers seeking adventure and untouched snow. Enjoy the stunning views of the La Meije glacier and experience the unique atmosphere of the village.
  • Col du Galibier: A famous mountain pass in the French Alps, Col du Galibier is a favorite among cyclists. It offers stunning views of the surrounding peaks and valleys and is frequently included in the Tour de France route.
  • Lautaret Alpine Botanical Garden: Located at an altitude of 2,100 meters, this botanical garden showcases a wide variety of alpine flora and offers a unique opportunity to observe and learn about the local plant species. It also provides panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Maison du Parc National des Ecrins: Situated in Vallouise, this visitor center is a great place to learn about the Ecrins National Park. Discover the park's rich biodiversity, geology, and cultural heritage through interactive exhibits, nature trails, and educational programs.
  • Les Granges de Monêtier: This historical site comprises a collection of traditional Alpine farmhouses that have been converted into a museum. Explore the traditional architecture, learn about the local rural life, and discover the cultural heritage of the region. 10. Pont d'Asfeld: Located in Briançon, Pont d'Asfeld is a remarkable 18th-century stone bridge crossing the Durance River. It is an architectural gem and an important historical landmark, reflecting the engineering skills of the time. These attractions offer a mix of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and recreational activities, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the charm of the French Alps.