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Françoise Besset
31 Impasse Du Portail


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price from €77



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  • Pézenas (6 km): Known for its charming old town, Pézenas is famous for its historic buildings, art galleries, and antique shops. Explore the narrow streets, visit the birthplace of the playwright Molière, and enjoy the lively atmosphere.
  • Abbaye de Valmagne (8 km): This medieval abbey is a beautiful example of Gothic architecture. Explore the stunning church, cloisters, and gardens. The abbey also houses a winery where you can taste and purchase local wines.
  • Canal du Midi (15 km): A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Canal du Midi is a marvel of engineering and a popular tourist destination. Take a boat tour, rent a bike, or enjoy a leisurely walk along the banks of the canal.
  • Cap d'Agde (18 km): This popular seaside resort offers beautiful beaches, a marina, and a vibrant nightlife. Visit the naturist village, indulge in water sports, or explore the Aqualand water park for a fun-filled day.
  • Montagnac (9 km): This medieval village is known for its well-preserved architecture and historic sites. Explore the narrow streets, admire the 14th-century church, and visit the Maison des Consuls, a stunning Renaissance mansion.
  • Béziers (20 km): The city of Béziers offers a rich history, cultural heritage, and beautiful architecture. Explore the historic city center, visit the impressive Saint-Nazaire Cathedral, and take in panoramic views from the Béziers Arena.
  • Agde (18 km): Located at the mouth of the Hérault River, Agde is a historic town with a charming old quarter. Visit the Cathedral of Saint-Étienne, stroll along the riverfront promenade, and explore the bustling markets.
  • Etang de Thau (26 km): This picturesque saltwater lagoon is known for its oyster and mussel farms. Take a boat tour, enjoy fresh seafood at one of the waterfront restaurants, or relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Sète (38 km): Situated on the Mediterranean coast, Sète is a vibrant port town known for its canals, seafood, and cultural events. Visit the Musée Paul Valéry, stroll along the Quai de la Marine, and enjoy the local cuisine. 10. Carcassonne (77 km): Although a bit further away, Carcassonne is worth a visit for its medieval fortress, La Cité. Explore the well-preserved ramparts, visit the Château Comtal, and immerse yourself in the medieval atmosphere. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the route taken.

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