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Lili Et Thierry
57 Rue Du Chantier Naval
La Napoule


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price from €750



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  • Château de La Napoule: Located just a few steps away, Château de La Napoule is a stunning castle built in the 14th century. It offers guided tours and showcases beautiful architecture, lush gardens, and picturesque views of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Cannes: Situated approximately 9 kilometers away, Cannes is famous for its glamorous film festival. It features luxurious shops, beautiful sandy beaches, a vibrant nightlife, and the iconic Promenade de la Croisette.
  • Îles de Lérins: A short boat ride from Cannes, the Îles de Lérins are a group of islands known for their natural beauty and historical significance. Île Sainte-Marguerite is home to the Fort Royal, where the famous "Man in the Iron Mask" was imprisoned.
  • Esterel Massif: Located about 20 kilometers from La Napoule, the Esterel Massif is a stunning mountain range with red rocks and dense forests. It offers various hiking trails, panoramic viewpoints, and opportunities for outdoor activities such as mountain biking.
  • Saint-Tropez: Situated around 60 kilometers away, Saint-Tropez is a glamorous coastal town renowned for its luxury yachts, upscale boutiques, and vibrant nightlife. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches, explore the charming old town, and visit the Musée de l'Annonciade.
  • Antibes: Approximately 15 kilometers from La Napoule, Antibes is a charming town known for its ancient ramparts, picturesque old town, and the impressive Musée Picasso. It also boasts beautiful beaches, including the popular Plage de la Gravette.
  • Nice: Located around 35 kilometers away, Nice is a vibrant city on the French Riviera. It offers a mix of historic and modern attractions, including the Promenade des Anglais, the picturesque Old Town, the famous Cours Saleya market, and numerous museums.
  • Grasse: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from La Napoule, Grasse is known as the perfume capital of the world. Visitors can explore perfume factories, the International Museum of Perfume, and enjoy the charming narrow streets of the old town.
  • Monaco: Just over 50 kilometers away, Monaco is a glamorous city-state famous for its luxurious casinos, the Prince's Palace, and the Formula One Grand Prix. It offers stunning views, upscale shopping, and the renowned Oceanographic Museum. 10. Gorges du Verdon: Located about 90 kilometers from La Napoule, the Gorges du Verdon is a breathtaking natural wonder. Often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Europe," it offers stunning turquoise waters, dramatic cliffs, and opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and boating.

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