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Catherine Pouget
854 Route D'uzes


2 reviews





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Appréciations pour La Batejade, Alès:

Review by: chatel, Aou 13 2012 8:46PM
j invite tt le monde a venir découvrir la Batejade un lieux magique ou nous pouvons nous retrouver en paix avec un super accueil , une super piscine pour nous détendre , une vue magnifique pas de mots assez ben pour vous décrire tout ca merci !!!
séjour à la batéjade
Review by: Dominique, Juin 5 2012 11:50AM
Excellent accueil, chambre très confortable! une bastide à deux pas d'Alès, au calme, dans un cadre absolument paradisiaque! Merci à Catherine pour sa bonne humeur!

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There is a service provided by Ryanair that operates between London Stansted and Nîmes.




  • Mine Temoin: Located in Alès, Mine Temoin is a former coal mine that now serves as a museum. Visitors can explore the underground galleries and learn about the history of mining in the region.
  • Musée du Colombier: Situated in Alès, Musée du Colombier is a contemporary art museum housed in a former 17th-century convent. The museum showcases a diverse collection of modern and contemporary artworks.
  • Pont du Gard: A UNESCO World Heritage site, Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct located about 20 kilometers from Alès. This magnificent structure spans the Gardon River and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Nîmes: Just a short drive from Alès, the city of Nîmes is known for its well-preserved Roman architecture. The impressive Roman amphitheater, Maison Carrée, and the Temple of Diana are must-visit attractions in Nîmes.
  • Uzès: Situated only a few kilometers from Alès, Uzès is a charming medieval town famous for its well-preserved architecture and picturesque streets. The Uzès Cathedral and the Duchy Palace are landmarks worth exploring.
  • La Bambouseraie en Cévennes: Located in Générargues, approximately 30 kilometers from Alès, La Bambouseraie en Cévennes is a unique bamboo garden. Visitors can wander through the lush greenery and discover a variety of bamboo species.
  • Les Cévennes National Park: Alès is located on the edge of Les Cévennes National Park, a stunning natural reserve known for its diverse landscapes, including mountains, rivers, and forests. The park offers numerous hiking trails and opportunities for outdoor activities.
  • Anduze: Situated about 20 kilometers from Alès, Anduze is a picturesque town known for its charming old town and the impressive Plantiers Tower. The town is also famous for its pottery and the nearby Bamboo Garden.
  • Musée du Désert: Located in the village of Mialet, around 30 kilometers from Alès, Musée du Désert is a museum dedicated to the history of Protestantism in the region. It offers insights into the struggles and persecution faced by the Protestant community during the 17th and 18th centuries. 10. Grotte de Trabuc: Situated near Mialet, Grotte de Trabuc is a fascinating underground cave system that features stunning rock formations, underground rivers, and impressive stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours are available to explore this natural wonder. These attractions near Alès offer a combination of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore and enjoy.

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