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Cousin Delphine
891 Route Des Falaises


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Description for B&B:

This accommodation offers space for either two or four individuals. It includes a veranda for your enjoyment and a garden living room for relaxation.


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Travel directions between Fécamp and Le Havre, located 13 km away from Etretat, on the Fécamp-Goderville route.




  • Étretat Cliffs: Located just 7 kilometers away from Maniquerville, the Étretat Cliffs are renowned for their breathtaking beauty. These stunning limestone cliffs offer picturesque views of the English Channel and are particularly famous for their natural arches, including the iconic "Porte d'Aval" and "Manneporte."
  • Maison des Traditions Normandes: Situated in Le Havre, approximately 15 kilometers from Maniquerville, this museum showcases the traditions and heritage of Normandy. Visitors can explore exhibits on local art, crafts, and traditional Norman architecture, providing an insightful glimpse into the region's cultural history.
  • Le Havre Beach: Located in the city of Le Havre, just a short drive from Maniquerville, this sandy beach stretches along the English Channel. It offers a perfect spot for relaxation, sunbathing, and leisurely walks. The beach is also lined with restaurants and cafes, allowing visitors to enjoy a meal with a view.
  • Musée d'Art Moderne André Malraux: Situated in Le Havre, this modern art museum is around 15 kilometers from Maniquerville. The museum showcases an impressive collection of 19th and 20th-century art, including works by Monet, Renoir, and Dufy. With its striking architecture and diverse art collection, it is a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  • Jardins Suspendus (Hanging Gardens): Located in Le Havre, approximately 15 kilometers away, the Jardins Suspendus is a beautiful terraced garden overlooking the city. These gardens offer a peaceful retreat with stunning panoramic views of Le Havre, showcasing a variety of plant species and sculptures.
  • Honfleur: Situated about 25 kilometers from Maniquerville, Honfleur is a charming harbor town renowned for its picturesque waterfront, narrow streets, and historic buildings. Visitors can explore the Vieux Bassin (Old Harbor), stroll along the Quai Sainte-Catherine, and admire the stunning Sainte-Catherine Church.
  • Musée Eugène Boudin: Located in Honfleur, this museum is dedicated to the works of the renowned local artist Eugène Boudin, as well as other Impressionist painters. It houses an extensive collection of paintings, drawings, and sculptures, offering a fascinating insight into the Impressionist movement.
  • Château d'Ételan: Situated in Saint-Maurice-d'Ételan, around 17 kilometers from Maniquerville, this Renaissance-style castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and overlooks the Seine River. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire its architecture, and enjoy the tranquil surroundings.
  • Le Havre Cathedral: Located in Le Havre, approximately 15 kilometers away, the Le Havre Cathedral is an impressive Gothic-style cathedral. Its stunning architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and peaceful ambiance make it a worthwhile visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. 10. Musée Victor Hugo: Situated in the city of Villequier, just a short distance from Maniquerville, this museum is dedicated to the renowned French writer Victor Hugo. Housed in a charming mansion, the museum showcases personal belongings, manuscripts, and memorabilia related to the author, offering a fascinating insight into his life and works.

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