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Christian & Marianne Vergez


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Description for B&B:

Nestled between the Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, at the base of the Pyrénées, the breathtaking landscapes of Gers stretch as far as the eye can see. Here, the Eco-Lodges of Ensarnaut eagerly await your arrival on its expansive 65-hectare property dedicated to natural preservation, complete with a herd of semi-free ponies.

Now, what exactly are "Gîtes"? The perfect English term to describe a Gîte doesn't quite exist. Some may refer to it as a lodging or a self-catering cottage, but we believe that the word Gîte encapsulates its essence best. A Gîte is a fully furnished and fully equipped house that you can rent, allowing you to live with complete autonomy. All you need to bring are your clothes and personal hygiene products, along with a strong desire to unwind and relax, of course.


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  • Cathédrale Sainte-Marie d'Auch: Located in Auch, about 25 kilometers from Ensarnaut, this stunning cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It features impressive Gothic architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and a rich history dating back to the 15th century.
  • Château de Lavardens: Situated in the picturesque village of Lavardens, approximately 30 kilometers from Ensarnaut, this medieval castle offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the well-preserved castle, wander through the charming village, and enjoy art exhibitions held within the castle walls.
  • Abbaye de Flaran: Found in Valence-sur-Baïse, around 40 kilometers from Ensarnaut, this former Cistercian abbey is now a renowned art center and museum. The abbey boasts impressive architecture, tranquil gardens, and hosts a collection of contemporary art, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  • Musée des Jacobins: Located in Auch, the capital city of the Gers department, this museum is housed in the former Jacobin convent. It showcases a diverse range of art, including paintings, sculptures, and archaeological artifacts, providing visitors with an enriching cultural experience.
  • Lac de Samatan: Situated in the town of Samatan, approximately 20 kilometers from Ensarnaut, this picturesque lake is perfect for nature lovers. Visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating, or simply relax on the lakeside beaches and soak up the serene atmosphere.
  • Parc Animalier de Plaisance: Found in Plaisance-du-Gers, about 40 kilometers from Ensarnaut, this wildlife park is home to over 600 animals from around the world. Visitors can take a leisurely walk through the park, observe animals in their natural habitats, and learn about conservation efforts.
  • Musée d'Art Campanaire: Located in L'Isle-Jourdain, around 30 kilometers from Ensarnaut, this unique museum is entirely dedicated to bell art. It showcases an extensive collection of bells, including ancient and contemporary pieces, and offers insights into the history and cultural significance of bell ringing.
  • Jardin Massey: Situated in Tarbes, approximately 60 kilometers from Ensarnaut, this 19th-century public park is known for its beautiful floral displays, fountains, and sculptures. Visitors can stroll through the well-maintained gardens, relax in peaceful surroundings, and visit the Musée Massey within the park's grounds. These attractions provide a mix of historical, cultural, natural, and recreational experiences, allowing tourists to explore the diverse offerings of the region surrounding Ensarnaut.

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