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F Moulin
28 Rue De Tartary


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Description for B&B:

Welcome to Maison Blanche, a grand manor house constructed in the 18th century, nestled within the enchanting medieval city of Aubenas. As our esteemed guest, we offer you the utmost comfort with five generously-sized rooms, each equipped with its own private bathroom. Prepare to indulge in the numerous amenities that Maison Blanche proudly presents, including a fitness room, a relaxing lounge area, and a refreshing swimming pool.


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Take the A7 highway and exit at Montélimar nord. Proceed towards Aubenas.




  • Château d'Aubenas: Located in the heart of Aubenas, Château d'Aubenas is a medieval castle that offers stunning panoramic views of the town and the Ardèche landscape. It also houses the Jean-Marie Mottet Museum, showcasing local history and art.
  • Pont d'Aubenas: Spanning the Ardeche River, Pont d'Aubenas is a picturesque stone bridge that dates back to the 12th century. It provides a charming setting for a leisurely stroll and offers great photo opportunities.
  • Parc Naturel Régional des Monts d'Ardèche: Just a short drive from Aubenas, this natural regional park offers breathtaking landscapes, including mountains, forests, and rivers. It is perfect for hiking, cycling, and outdoor activities.
  • L'Arche des Métiers: Situated in Le Teil, approximately 18 km from Aubenas, L'Arche des Métiers is a fascinating museum dedicated to traditional crafts and trades of the Ardèche region. Visitors can explore interactive exhibits, workshops, and demonstrations.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located about 45 km from Aubenas, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a natural wonder. The deep limestone canyon carved by the Ardèche River offers stunning views, opportunities for kayaking, and hikes along the river.
  • Balazuc: A charming medieval village located around 16 km from Aubenas, Balazuc is classified as one of the "most beautiful villages of France." Its narrow streets, stone houses, and ancient castle make it a delightful place to wander and soak up the historical ambiance.
  • Vallon-Pont-d'Arc: Situated approximately 40 km from Aubenas, Vallon-Pont-d'Arc is a popular tourist destination known for its natural beauty and the famous Pont d'Arc, a natural stone arch that spans the Ardèche River. The area offers activities such as canoeing, hiking, and exploring prehistoric caves.
  • Château de Vogüé: Located around 23 km from Aubenas, Château de Vogüé is an impressive medieval fortress perched on a rock overlooking the Ardèche River. It features well-preserved architecture and offers guided tours, presenting a glimpse into the region's history.
  • Musée de la Lavande: Situated in Saint-Remèze, approximately 45 km from Aubenas, Musée de la Lavande is a unique museum dedicated to lavender. Visitors can learn about the history, cultivation, and uses of lavender through exhibits and demonstrations. 10. Antraigues-sur-Volane: A picturesque village located about 6 km from Aubenas, Antraigues-sur-Volane is famous for being the former home of renowned French singer-songwriter Jean Ferrat. The village is known for its narrow streets, traditional stone houses, and captivating mountain views.

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