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Holger Et Eva Giersch
La Bâtie Neuve
La Motte Du Caire


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Price per night:

price from €45



Description for B&B:

Activities offered at our facility include riding lessons, courses, walks, and hikes with ponies and horses of various sizes. We provide both classic horse riding and Western riding experiences. Additionally, we offer natural horsemanship courses for those interested in learning this approach. Our facility also caters to small novice riders with gentle walks.

In addition to horse-related activities, we have a swimming pool with a terrace and chairs for relaxation. We also have a point of sale where visitors can purchase farm products.

For younger guests, we have a playground and a lower yard where they can interact with small animals. We offer various accommodation options for horses, including boxes, pre-paddock, and paddock. Our facility includes a riding career, arena, and indoor arena for training purposes.

Furthermore, we offer very competitive prices for stays of one week or longer, specifically for those staying from Saturday to Saturday without services.


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If you are coming from the North:

To reach La Motte du Caire, which is part of the Hautes Terres de Provence located to the east of the Alpes de Haute-Provence, first head towards Grenoble, where the highway ends. From there, you have two options: take the beautiful road that goes through the Col "Luz la Croix Haute" and then Sisteron, or go through Gap and enjoy the stunning alpine landscape.

If you are coming from the South:

To access La Motte du Caire, take the route through Aix-en-Provence, Manosque, and Sisteron. We are located 20 km away from Sisteron, specifically at the south exit of the highway.



Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Sisteron Citadel: Located about 15 kilometers southwest of La Bâtie Neuve, Sisteron Citadel is a medieval fortress perched on a cliff overlooking the town of Sisteron. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and houses a historical museum.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Situated around 70 kilometers north of La Bâtie Neuve, the Gorges du Verdon is often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." Visitors can enjoy driving along the scenic roads, hiking, kayaking, or simply admiring the stunning turquoise waters and towering cliffs.
  • Serre-Ponçon Lake: Located approximately 40 kilometers east of La Bâtie Neuve, Serre-Ponçon Lake is a vast artificial reservoir surrounded by picturesque mountains. It offers various water activities, such as swimming, boating, and fishing, as well as opportunities for hiking and biking along its shores.
  • Forcalquier: Situated about 30 kilometers southeast of La Bâtie Neuve, Forcalquier is a charming medieval town known for its narrow streets, traditional Provençal architecture, and vibrant markets. Visitors can explore the historic old town, visit the Notre-Dame-du-Bourget Cathedral, or relax in one of the town's many cafés.
  • Barcelonnette: Located around 50 kilometers southwest of La Bâtie Neuve, Barcelonnette is a small town nestled in the Ubaye Valley. It is known for its colorful Mexican-inspired buildings, reflecting the influence of locals who migrated to Mexico in the 19th century. Visitors can wander through the town's streets, visit the Museum of the Valley, or explore the nearby Mercantour National Park.
  • Digne-les-Bains: Situated approximately 40 kilometers north of La Bâtie Neuve, Digne-les-Bains is a historic town famous for its thermal baths and geological attractions. Visitors can enjoy a relaxing spa treatment, visit the impressive Notre-Dame-du-Bourg Cathedral, or explore the nearby Geological Reserve of Haute-Provence, which showcases fascinating fossil and mineral exhibits.
  • Les Mées: Located about 25 kilometers northeast of La Bâtie Neuve, Les Mées is a small village known for its unique geological formation called "Penitents," which are tall, narrow rock pillars resembling monks in a procession. Visitors can hike through the site and admire the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Manosque: Situated approximately 50 kilometers southeast of La Bâtie Neuve, Manosque is a bustling town surrounded by beautiful lavender fields and olive groves. It is famous for being the birthplace of the renowned French author Jean Giono. Visitors can explore the town's historic center, visit the Jean Giono Foundation, or enjoy the local Provençal cuisine. These tourist attractions offer a mix of natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural experiences near La Bâtie Neuve, providing visitors with a wide range of options to explore and enjoy the region.

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